
Instead of "Thank you"s, could you give me some feedback on what I'm doing wrong on my channel that I don't get traction? I'm kind of disappointed in myself for still trying to make something out of it.

I dont have the time to watch any of your videos but since no one else wrote anything:

First of all those 5-60 sec videos probably doesnt help. I dont think that youtube is about short clips.

Secondly learn about youtube algorithm. I dont know much about it but i heard several times that certain things (like video length, upload frequency etc) make the difference. If the algorithm doesnt like those criterias, it just wont recommend you to anybody.

And last thing; you probably already know that but just remind yourself, that you might make most of the things right but with that many competition you also need a lot of luck and persistency. I know some channels uploading daily for years and still having only <100 views.

If it takes a lot of your time and you dont enjoy it rn, I'd suggest giving it up. Or maybe try another platform like twitch, where you livestream and can communicate with your viewers, asking them what they wanna see.

Anyways, good luck with whatever you wanna do next Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

2 years ago

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I apreciate your feedback very much, you gave me something to think about and learn more about.

It doesn't really take that much time to record, but rather takes long to edit videos if I need to have many cuts. When it comes to rendering I usually leave the computer do its thing while I'm sleeping so there is no time wasted on that.
As much as I enjoy doing my own thing there, I'm sharing my work among my friends and based on their reactions to them, it's just demolishing me by how much interest or trust they have in me for taking this road.

I would try twitch, but I'm rather afraid to do it as I'm working in the video game industry and I might slip some words on the project/s I work (especially if I try to livestream with coworkers, as they can't just shut up about their own projects, lol) and get into an altercation with my management and studios. That's mostly the main thing why I tend to not want to do live streams. But yeah, I guess it's an option too.

Thank you once again for your feedback and have a super duper weekend! <3

2 years ago

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If you could solve the "saying something wrong" problem. You could stream something in that direction too. That is ofc if you like talking about game development in your free time :)

just some plain ideas:

  • Talk about video game industry in general, if you have connections; interview developers of upcoming games, gaming news?
  • maybe a little game development project for stream
  • Talk about games from programming perspective, while playing?

Or just check some other streamers and maybe you'll get better ideas =)

2 years ago

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Unfortunately I'm not that advanced in the video game industry, I'm basically just a game tester for what is worth and most projects that I worked and will work are under NDA and any slip could get us in big trouble.
Thanks for the ideas tho, will keep them in mind!

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Thanks, I won. Looks good.

I entered just before it ended. I'm about to leave the house for a bit so I'll check out the channel after I'm back and give you my thoughts. I'm no expert so take it for what is worth. not a lot... lol.

First glance without watching anything. Consistency is important. Some regular schedule. Does not need to to be frequent. just consistent. Looks like you have that at first glance. I'll actually watch a few later. :)

2 years ago

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I skimmed through a few. I'm not personally a fan of watching others play. But don't take that as criticism as many do like that kind of content. As someone just skimming through I have no idea what I'm looking at on most of the videos. It might be helpful to have some sort of summary at the start of game play saying what your about to do and what the challenges to the level are. You have done this on a few videos and it helps.

If this is something you enjoy, then keep at it. Just be aware its possible to do this for a long time without it taking off if it every does at all.

You have a mix of short and long videos. Is that normal for game play type channels? Most videos I watch on a regular basis are 5-15min each. But most of my stuff is science education stuff so I'm sure I'm not the target audience your looking for. I'd check out other similar channels and see what the normal length is. Perhaps your already there. It worth checking if you have not yet.

I found your voice kind of soft and hard to understand. But this feeling went away after a couple of videos so I don't think its an issue.

Good luck.

And thanks for ...


2 years ago

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I apreciate you took time out of your day to give me this feedback, thank you very much!

For the most part, as you said, I gave some information at the start of the videos, but they were mostly for when there is a multiplayer game as that had some context to it. For singleplayer games, I kind of can't really do give an explanation on what we could do next as I'm not playing the game and then making an intro.
Will keep this in mind for the next time.

For the most part, based on the channels that I watch on a daily basis, they range between 10 to 40 minutes depending on the media. I personally like to have 30 or more minutes per video when it comes to singleplayer games (if they have a nice story to it, like Beyond Two Souls for example - otherwise it still be under 30 minutes), and something under 25 minutes if the multiplayer games I play with friends is actually fun and we get content out of it. I think I'm good with the video lenghts, but only time will tell for this I guess.

Unfortunately I can't really do much about my voice, lived in a household were my parents and neighbours complained I talked and laughed too loud since I was in middle school and so I taken that up to this point to not speak at all or loud that I guess it hinders my voice overs to not being understandable.
I'll see what I can do for my voice, if there's anything to do at all. I get this notice from everyone even face-to-face.
Glad that my voice could be deciphered after a couple of videos, but still a concern.

Once again, thank you very much for taking time out of your day and giving a stranger your feedback! <3

Enjoy what's left of your Sunday, and may you have a relaxed upcoming week!

2 years ago

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