
Notes:✉Winner!Be sure to use the correct email address.📮

[What you should know]
Note: This is my opinion, not what is mentioned in the SG FAQ or Guidelines.

I don't make public GAs very often.....∑(ノΘ`*)Oh...

The reason is "there are various"
Will write down what is necessary to increase the number of public GAs in the future.
( 'Θ)Umm... 【Thinking】( ´・ω・)´・ω)(Θ・(・ω・` )

Make sure the winner does not violate the rules when you offer the prize.

As far as I know, half of Lv1 are people who have violated.
It may be desirable to be able to create GA at Lv3 or higher.

Q.Please tell me the easy way to check the violation and how to report it.

[Tool] SGTools
Steamgifts Tools - Activated Wins
Steamgifts Tools - Multiple Wins

How to make Re-roll & Violation Report

Steamgifts Tools - Giveaways Manager

If you create a link via SG Tools, the above work will be processed automatically, so you can easily report it.

Easy Invalid entries Report

Therefore, creating a GA using SGtools is effective in saving time.

They will also arrest unauthorized passengers on trains concealed in the PUZZLE.( 「'Θ')👮🚔🚨


It is advice from me.
Please enter your name for two checks of SGTools.
If a violation is detected, there may be a defect.
If this is the case, we recommend that you report it to the SGTools Author and explain it in a support ticket to your supporters.

If it is a glitch, no problem.
Please report the bug to the SGtools author and support.
Help us to keep the SG community healthy.

If the provider discovers a violation when you win, you will not receive your prize and may have to retire SG Community.
(In or criminal lawsuits by law in each region. Adaptation to less than galaxy cultural degree Tier 1🔫Bad Mutant Zap!🛸)

Always check the winner.

Please cooperate for the longevity and prosperity of the SG community.😉

[Recent Concerns.]

Giveaway people may treat those with significantly fewer comments or no thank yous as BOTs.
Including the topic of where you are located in your response will also get a good response.🙄<True?

Due to the recent international situation, we have seen cases where game developers seem to have added redemption restrictions to Steam keys for "Russia", "Belarus", "China", "Ukraine", etc. after the fact.

This may not be the developer's intention, but it may be necessary to check the SteamDB for information about the prizes you intend to transfer.

I recommend that you always inspect your winners with SGtools.
If a winner is violating the guidelines, you may want to talk to Report and Support about rerolling.=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞📧 📭
Steamgifts Tools - Activated Wins
Steamgifts Tools - Multiple Wins

[Recent SG supporter response]
SGTools > Find IT! >"Request New Winner"
[PSA] About deleting giveaways

[Security memo]
Cyble — Trojanized Super Mario Game Installer Spreads SupremeBot Malware

Trojanized Super Mario game used to install Windows malware

🤔<In addition, people on community sites and social networking sites are constantly releasing user-planned mystery games, but be sure to check security when using them.

oh my.. level zzzzzero???!1??1!!

11 months ago

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This is a monthly "activity for new users".
It is better for the community if new users are helped to prepare for things.
It is also more efficient than trying to reduce BOT swarms alone.
🤖🤖🤖🤖 🔫ヽ(Θ´; )ノ≡🕳≡ヽ( ;`Θ)ノ💻📡))))) 🌏

By the way, we have seen in the past that when a Winner is a cheater, rerolls are repeated 4 or 5 times and the cheater freezes and suffers. I always check the winners as written.😊🔎🔥😭🔥🎣🐈

11 months ago

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Wow, it'd been a while since I'd read that public GA post of yours haha
As diligent as ever I see. I wonder how many will read it in these next 4 weeks.
Good luck if you check everyone one by one again, like 3 years ago.

11 months ago

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From time to time, we send a cohesive group of people to support tickets.

 The problem is that there is an upper limit to the number of support tickets per day, and sometimes the number of tickets is insufficient for the number of people detected, which occurs when we do a "full survey".

When I post "Please check this GA (URL)" to the discussion, I think that creating a group for simultaneous detection in the form of "Entrants of this GA from No1-100 for A to 101-201 for B..." would eradicate BOTs, but the quandary is that I have not done that much because it would drastically reduce my game time, which is still being cut down. 😁

11 months ago

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Yeah, better save your game time for games ^^

11 months ago

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I am sure that people who like BOT hunting games will soon be doing serious hunting as a noble duty of the nobility. 🐺🐖🧸🔫😉
🔥😭🔥🔫🎫Let't TICKET Party!🎟
We may be in that mood at times.Yay!(´ω)(´Θ)Yay!

11 months ago

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Save your time.

cg give a fuck if the site is infested with autojoiners and other cheaters. The only importent thing for him is the income he generate with this site.
The good mods can't do something with bound hands on the backs and the bad mods don't want to do something.

I learned my lesson after years of trying to help....

11 months ago

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One thing's for sure: "It's not something you do alone."

 Automation of everything seems to be in vogue on Earth.
We will report back with proof that "intelligent life has confirmed" within a reasonable amount of time. Currently, that is what we are looking at.

 I wouldn't be surprised if one of these days, the authors of SGTools will have an AI create a tool that can cross examine all members automatically and view information about violators.
 CG may just be waiting for the day when they can easily push the punishment button.
Someone might lament if the AI gets it wrong and hunts false accusers, but it would be a good trend to be able to make ban and suspend decisions only for users who are deemed to be in conflict.
(Of course, such a story shouldn't exist yet...)

I have seen recently many people on other social networking sites who are furious that when a moderator leaves for real-life reasons, he or she should have the authority to run the social networking project he or she created after leaving, but is not given that authority because of a temporary squabble with his or her boss, and is unable to contribute to the community.
(The problem there seems to have been resolved when the project's editorial authority was properly granted to that person.)
Things that depend solely on the contributions of a particular user often don't work for a long time.
(SG veterans need to teach new users how to do the same work).
This is one of the reasons I do an "open" gift once a month.
We recognize the problem, suggest possible responses, prevent the problem from spreading, and ultimately resolve the nuisance.
Long story short, if you ask if there has ever been a time in human history when there were no criminals, the answer is there.

11 months ago

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Wait, inco- ooh, ads and donations.

11 months ago

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And all the ref (that gets set automatic if someone click on a store link on sg).
I assume thats the biggest part of the income.

I am a HB partner, with only a few that purchase with our group ref (and earn for themself money with it) and so i know very well how much someone can earn with so many users that visit the dif. stores.
Calculate it with 5% of each purchase and you have a "round about" amount.

11 months ago

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Dang, nice. I see I see. Thanks for the comprehensive reply! (is that a word)

11 months ago

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Thank you <3

11 months ago

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Very Thanks! God Bless you

11 months ago

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I didn't know all this. Is, like, really save times and effort with the manual inquiries (and dead ends) when I tried to review the winners of my humbles GAs.

Thanks for all this, I will bookmark this and use it from now on!

11 months ago

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wow, that's a lot of work!

11 months ago

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The reason is "there are various"

Old post
Looking back, the callers at Public's GA started doing it a little while after they learned about the "reason".

Come to think of it, I have only made one Public giveaway each month since I learned the truth about things.🤔

Considering the time it takes to do the work when I know "reason " it is still easier to use SGTools, but it seems that some people misconfigure the tools or do not check the notifications about unauthorized intrusions when the GA period is over.

I wonder if it would be better to make an effort to shorten the description of those information as well, taking into account (and hoping for) the operational status of the SGtools side and the CG's implication, and see how it goes, but a long and lengthy description is generated.

Well, I have told you a long story.
These have been done for quite some time.🍨🐧🧊

11 months ago

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Yeah, I remember you did it before :) I wonder, how long does it take you to check ~1000 entries?

10 months ago

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It would be easier to understand if the time of day was written in the comments section during the survey.
More often than not, the TICKET stopped working and interrupted the survey than the time of the survey.🤔<There should be more people fighting TICKET digestion than there were then.
 You can also see what happened by looking at the status of TICKET PROCESSING in STATUS.

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Thank you :D

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Thank you for the giveaway good luck everyone

10 months ago

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Thanks! Good luck to everyone ^^

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Ty! <3

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Oh..?? 1st Winner suspend?( ・Θ・).;'.、 

2nd Winner Congratulations(人Θ'o)♪  🎁Enjoy♪

10 months ago

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Thanks for the gift, just activated the key on Steam! <3

10 months ago

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