If I win my own giveaway do I still get CV? jk it won't let me enter

5 years ago*

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I noticed also last week. My WL GA appears in the group tab. But I'm not on my WL ๐Ÿ˜’ so I can't enter either :P

5 years ago

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Looking at the screenshot I got one question for you; Why do you give away games you have wishlisted but don't own yourself? Seems a bit too generous.
Or, if you do own it; Why don't you hide the games you own? Or, if you don't want the game that much after all; Why keep it in your wishlist?
To be or not to be? Is that the question? Who? What? Why? When?
I'm sorry for all these questions. Or am I? No, I am. I'm just trying to understand. I think?

Edit: Thank you all for the thoughtful responses.

5 years ago*

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No idea if its the reason here, but an easy answer would be that he's got no intention/time/mood to play the game at the moment and a big backlog so it would only be collecting dust in the library. :)
Have given some wishlisted games away myself because of these reasons.
Not everything that is on peoples wishlists is a game you'd play the second you get it.

5 years ago

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Ah, yes! That's true. That's one of the better reasons, tbh. ๐Ÿ˜Š

5 years ago

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Why do you give away games you have wishlisted but don't own yourself?

that happens more than it may seems. there's some true generosity in that way of giving, reasons could be different, or multiple.

maybe you want to support a dev, or might be just that... "play it, it's yours, i think you'll enjoy this"

kinda "true" giveaway.

edit: nice question, btw

5 years ago

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I don't own this game and I am still interested in it enough to keep it on my wishlist. I am a member of a group called JediTraining and they require you to add a giveaway to every train you win from with a couple exceptions. I could have found a cheaper game to match the criteria 5P NON-Bundled Train but I want to show my appreciation for the group since I have been so fortunate there :]

5 years ago

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I'm currently giving away a wishlisted game too, if I buy something to give away I look for a game a lot have wishlisted so it may happen that it's on my own wishlist as well. I have a huge backlog anyway and I know I'll still get the game for myself eventually so it's ok for me.

5 years ago

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Happy cakeday :D

5 years ago

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Happy cake day TempeteJoachim :)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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I sometimes buy like 2-3 copies of a game I've wishlisted but haven't added it onto my steam library yet. With making giveaways, I keep an extra key back sometimes in case of dupes or issues with it as I personally don't like making giveaways I don't have a spare key for usually. Humble bundle keys I am wary of especially as they consider it trading on SG so I like having a backup.

5 years ago

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It is the first sign of the coming Apocalypse!
jk, I think ....

If the game doesn't have a Store listing on Steam anymore I think this sort of thing can happen.

5 years ago

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This game hasn't been removed from Steam so that's not the problem here, but that's good to know about for the future!

5 years ago

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yeah i had that. i had a wishlisted game i already activated and it gave me to option to go in. made sure to sync it back up. ive never had ti happen for wl thought since never interested

5 years ago

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I did try to sync my profile but it didn't seem to make a difference. It looks like a side effect of giving away games that aren't in my library, I guess I never noticed because I don't do that very often :D

5 years ago

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yeah unless you take it off ur wishlist you will keep seeing it. i read your message and saw its still on. gonna have to deal with it for a couple of days. yeah cant say ive ever given away anything i want unless ive owned it

5 years ago

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Yep, that's normal. Usually only happens when you give away a game you don't own (since I assume you hide games you already own).

5 years ago

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I don't give many games I don't already own, so I hadn't noticed this before! Thank you for clearing this up :]

5 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by RobbyRatpoison.