I have weird feelings towards horror games, they are really unnerving yet thrilling to play. I feel that a good horror game is better than a good horror movie because it puts YOU in the limelight of the horrors that lie within. I have watched a couple horror movies in the past, most notably 'Salem's Lot, Pet Sematary franchise, A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Christine, that one movie with the vampire in the cabin somewhere and it kills everyone and it is locked in the basement and then there is maple syrup everywhere & ultimately, the entire Saw franchise which is my favorite horror movie franchise of them all. They were all great movies, there was no particular one that kept me on the edge but they were all pretty scary, maybe Christine being the least scary. A Nightmare on Elm Street was pretty scary, but I don't think it tops the fear I experienced playing the following game.

Why I think horror games are the superior form of horror media than just watching a horror movie filled with repetitive jumpscares and the Wilhelm scream is because there exists such a thing as Psychological Horror games. I recently finished Iron Lung, a horror game by David Szymanski and the creator of many other very cool games. I read the reviews before & after playing the game and honestly, it truly left me thinking. Most reviews said the game wasn't scary enough and that it wasn't worth the money and all that stuff, but the thing is, I was shaking so much after playing it I had to actually take a rest because my heart was pumping so fast. What I realized, is that people didn't find it scary because there was nothing to be scared of in the first place (depends how scary you think a giant fish in a blood ocean is), I was scared throughout the entire game when the radar started beeping every time and I was anxiously checking the camera every 30 seconds to make sure I wasn't being followed. For the short time I was playing the game, it was very intense. There is no music in the game, just ambience and noises to lay the pavement for what's to come. My mind started making noises up in my head, little clings and clangs on the metal walls and ultimately I started hearing beeping even though the radar wasn't beeping, I was so emotionally moved by this game it made me want to write this paragraph.

Currently the list of horror games I've played is small, because I can only ever try 1 or 2 horror games in a certain time period until I recover mentally from the endeavor because they are just that horrifying. I have yet to tackle Amnesia: The Bunker which is quite the step up from something like Iron Lung, or so I've heard. The courage I need to play it is ungodly. The only horror game I come back to is Lethal Company, it is scary but also extremely hilarious (if I am playing with friends that is). What I believe makes Lethal Company so fun yet traumatizing is the unpredictability, every round you play is different one way or another because the rooms are all randomly generated and monsters appear at random, sometimes there are multiple of them, sometimes none. Lethal Company has a very cooperative playstyle in mind, but it doesn't enforce it. That's what makes the game great. It's very important to communicate with your teammates and not get lost, because the last thing you want is to get lost and find yourself with a 7 foot tall black figure staring at your across the hall, just, don't stare back. The absence of control over your situation while playing this horror game is a very unusual feeling, even with the tools to rid most moons of horror and terror and yet I feel small and lonely. What makes the game especially great is that there are a lot of ambient noises, which do absolutely nothing than fuel the fire that is your fear. I have been absolutely frozen in fear sometimes listening to all the different sounds and noises the game presents at me, although I know they probably don't mean anything, key word probably. I love this game because although it is a horror game, we end up laughing our asses off in the end.

I'd be happy if any of you would like to share some horror game experiences of your own and what left you scarred the most. I am quite new to this horror stuff and I'd love to know a few suggestions regarding some "fun" horror games. I love the thrill, it's not as good as something like racing games or shooters but it is a different kind of thrill and only horror games can satisfy it, have a good one ya creeps.

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1 month ago

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Best way to eat a potato?

View Results
Mashed, I like my potatoes nice and yummy soft ^_^
Boiled in some w a t e r
Fried on a pan with butter mmmmm~~
Deep fry the living HECK out of it
D- d- d- d- did he just say p- p- POTATO???
Mashed & fried, crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside (kind of like me)
Leave it in the ground.
Very lame and boring answer: I don't like potatoes

I have experience with psychological horror. The worst is it never ends. Starts between 6-7 am and then last for 8 hours every week day.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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You're in luck, mine lasts much longer and tends to include weekends.

1 month ago

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I legit misread it as psychonautical horror at first :D

1 month ago

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Check out visual novels like Doki Doki Literature Club and Cooking Companions. Both start as a naive, funny story that descends into a nightmare. Also, there are some mysteries hidden within the game, especially in Doki Doki; I suggest checking the YouTube channel "The Game Theorists" after you play the games. There are several episodes dedicated to them.

1 month ago

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I have Doki Doki Literature Club Plus on EGS since it was free not so long ago, might give it a try if it's interesting but the cartoony aesthetic doesn't really appeal to me. I heard it is a pretty screwed up game, so that's fun.

1 month ago

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If you decide to try it, I highly suggest that you play the original version https://store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/ instead of the one you got on EGS. I can't explain in detail but a major part of the horror/twist in the game has been changed in the new paid version and made the game (in my opinion) much less interesting.

1 month ago

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Interesting, I'll try the free Steam one if I ever try it then. Game still looks vaguely interesting to me but I am okay to try it for the sake of science.

1 month ago

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The most horrific experience i have (apart my regular life) is mostly in VNs, and mostly psychological. Danganronpa for example.

But I've been said that Bugsnax is horrific (plus you're interested in it) so there are signs.

1 month ago*

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Bugsnax is the most terrifying of them all. The murder, the terror, it's not very family friendly.

1 month ago

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None of the films you listed are psychological horror, and they're all pretty mainstream, with the possible exception of the one you didn't give a title for and I don't recognize from your maple syrup synopsis. You might want to try some more effective horror movies before deciding on a "superior" medium. That said, the first few minutes (and only that bit) of A Nightmare on Elm Street are pretty damn good.

1 month ago

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Okay yea, maybe not. I don't remember the name of the movie but I know it really isn't psychological horror movie either. I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street so long ago but that was one of the scariest movies I have watched. I heard Babadook is a really good psychological horror movie, but not sure when I want to watch it since I already scared myself enough today by engaging in social interaction.

1 month ago

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Babadook. 5 stars. 3 thumbs up.

1 month ago

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Agreed. Also very psychological.

1 month ago

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I'm very afraid to play horrors, especially when you constantly need to hide from someone. But movies have never scared me
I like Halloween, it's a pretty intense movie. More movies that I liked are It Follows and Terrifier
I really like the anime Cicadas (or a visual novel). It's a very cool thing and an interesting plot
But as for the games, it's Silent Hill. It's a really good world that keeps you on your toes with an interesting atmospher and unusual monsters. not to mention the crazy musice. despite my fear, I finished 5 games
I believe that horrors should primarily scare with the atmosphere, but unfortunately few works succeed in this. Yes, I hate screamers

1 month ago*

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Very good way to sell Amnesia: The Bunker for me, "I'm very afraid to play horrors, especially when you constantly need to hide from someone."

I also need to start that one horror puzzle franchise Rusty Lake, Cube Escape: Paradox scarred me deeply.

Good example of atmospheric horror for me is Ready or Not, it's a tactical first person shooter but some of the maps like Rust Belt and Valley Of The Dolls are really creepy and actually make me more scared than just of the enemy.

1 month ago

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I tried to play the first Amnesia, but I never got to the monster..
I finished the Samsara Room. It's unlikely that these games can be called scary, but I've heard that these games have a confusing plot. I like these games that combine the absurd and horror/death

1 month ago

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I played Cube Escape: Paradox and at the end you had to snoop around and find a way out and it was so scary I almost stopped playing until the crow led me to the right path and got me out.

I tried to finish Samsara Room but I got stuck so I stopped, I bought the franchise recently so I want to try and finish that.
Besides that, Rusty Lake is really cool.

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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If I could roll my eyes I would. I have my eye on you.

1 month ago

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So a few games I haven't played yet but would love to if i had the confidence to alone is "Cry of Fear" pretty sure its a half life horror mod turned game, its perfect for the concept of psychological horror and its actually playable up to 4 people and free. Next I'm not super sure if it is horror but I remember seeing play throughs years ago of "Among the Sleep" I think it had jumpscares and a nightmare dream state of sorts, you'd have to check that out. The first postal game and its redux edition do dabble in the mental illness in the cutscenes with hidden messages though its not reaaaaally horror, just the concept exists in it. "Scanner Sombre" which I've yet to play has this interesting concept of putting you into an underwater cave and giving you a tool to scan radiation(?)/ heat signatures which you'll use to see things move. I think it looks eerie and stuff so its cool. And of course there's some incredible japanese horror visual novels that I can't name at the top of my head but if you google those 2 terms you'll quickly find them. "SOMA" is a heavy blind recommendation I want to play because the imagery on the steam page makes it look like a horror version of Bioshock which I love, and the graphics look amazing for how old it is, dark and dreary, so if you play that do let me know if it's good. Honestly can't name a horror game I've played alone, too afraid, best horror moment for me though is that giant pig head jumpscare in the sewers of Blood & Bacon.

1 month ago

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I have been curious of SOMA but never got around to actually getting the game, I heard it also has a sort of modding scene which is interesting. Scanner Sombre looks really unique, but the controls look a bit stiff, the colors of the sonar or whatever really give my brain satisfaction. So satisfying.

1 month ago

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Side note if you're looking for interesting horror movies I think Dead Meat & found flix are pretty decent. Not to watch the videos themselves as you'll be spoiled but to find a horror movie that looks interesting and watch it for yourself

1 month ago

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Oh yea I know Dead Meat, I used to watch their Casualty Numeration videos for the movies I had recently watched, it was so fun looking at the statistics at the end and I think he also had these awards for coolest kill and something?

1 month ago

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Hello Bacon, hope you are having a great week so far :D
I'm not a fan of horror games at all. Hell, until this January, I don't think I have finished a horror game be it it psychological or plain horror. But so far the few horror games that I push through and finished and I truly enjoyed are The Dark Pictures Anthology series(Only Played Man of Medan and House of Ashes , but I love every second of both), The Town of Light(The finale made me shed a tear won't lie) and In Sound Mind(another great game that I hate for making me emotional and love for being awesome)

1 month ago

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Never heard of the last 2 but I did play House of Ashes, but stopped playing right when it got scary, whatever that thing was when I first saw it I closed the game as FAST as I could and never touched it since, graphics look beautiful though. Man of Medan looked really cool as well, I don't really know what was going on but the visuals were STUNNING.

Have a great week Commissar!

1 month ago

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Honestly I find most recent horror games pretty mild compared to stuff like Silent Hill 2 or Fatal Frame that I used to play in the 2000s. It probably has a lot to do with them being mostly first person, which I find lessens the scare factor for some reason :x

Iron Lung looks cool though, the concept seems pretty solid. It reminds me a bit of Soma which, although not particularly scary, had a great atmosphere.

1 month ago

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Are you entailing that I will absolutely crap myself playing scarier games?

1 month ago

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I dunno, I'm not you. It's just my personal experience :x

1 month ago

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The movies you mentioned aren't psychological at all. They are average horror flicks at best.
I would say, psychological horror is more subtle. I would even classify something like Zone of Interest, You Won't Be Alone, Coherence, Possum or The Wickerman as psychological horror, because they are more unsettling and unnerving than gore filled. The horror isn't always on screen, rather it's in your head.
As for what games would fit this category, that's a hard one. Pathologic 2 is a good candidate as well as SOMA, Paratopic and the Stasis game to some extent.

1 month ago

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I am not a huge horror movie fanatic, they are the first horror movies that came to mind but yes, they don't seem to be that much psychological horror.

I should definitely try SOMA sometime, it seems really good.

1 month ago

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It's not a proper horror game, more just creepy/eery ig, but Garage Bad Dream Adventure made me absolutely shat myself. Between the visual, sound and general atmosphere...

1 month ago

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First review I read,
"A game that understands that, sometimes, the coziest of blankets is actually one drenched in motor oil and animal fat."

What the actual heck and why was it released almost 2 years ago. I can see why this would be extremely weird.

1 month ago

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It's actually all the way from 1999 (sometime around that) as a japanese exclusive pc game. Then it got re-released recently on iphone, then finally on pc 2 years ago... or something. It's a whole story about it being lost media until the dev re-published it... under his metal works company. Which is both hillarious and extremely fitting for the weirdness of the game itself.

1 month ago

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Really creepy, one of the games I never want to touch. Gives me P.T. vibes in an industrial sort of way.

1 month ago

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OH BOY I (thankfully) FORGOT ABOUT P.T.
Yeah that's the sense of un-easyness it gives. Plus the whole "fleshy robots" with machines combined with meat and skin... yeah, I think I'll push it a bit further down my backlog...

1 month ago

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Silent Hill Sequel, Dreadout Sequel, Outlast Sequel,Amnesia and Resident Evil 7 were really creepy for me :)

1 month ago

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Outlast games any good? Like the Outlast trilogy. Been looking well not looking forward to play Outlast.

1 month ago

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It's not psychological horror, if that's what you're looking for. It's pure survival horror.

As a big RE fan in almost all it's incarnations, I tried the first one and was not a fan. I like to be able to struggle against horrors not running and hiding every time the enemies make an appearance.

It was certainly tense though.

1 month ago

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I haven't played any Resident Evil or survival horror games (at least I think). I am not sure how that would work? Is Amnesia survival horror too?

1 month ago

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I haven't played the Amnesia games but i think those might be similar to Outlast. Can't say for sure, however.

Mostly Outlast had a lot of hiding places whenever there was an encounter. so you had quickly find one such place and hide as the monster searched for you.

1 month ago

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With that said, not looking forward to meeting whoever resides in Amnesia: The Bunker.

1 month ago

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It's really good for horror game. After playing you will look your behind everytime before sleeping :D

1 month ago

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Thank you for the comfort...

1 month ago

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Scarred? Doki Doki Literature Club had the most profound effect on me than probably any other game i've played. Don't take the content warning lightly.
Here's a very good thread i came across a while ago with a lot of great suggestions that i liked: https://www.reddit.com/r/patientgamers/comments/scmm2n/ive_played_and_reviewed_1000_horror_games_here/

1 month ago

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Through The Woods is on that list? That's the only game I own since I bought a mystery bundle once and just farmed it for cards but never actually played it.

1 month ago

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I am deep into horror, movies and games. And even when I have played so many first person horror games (being The Forest one of my favorites), probably the creepiest one was Darkwood. Even when it was top-down, it is probably the most intense horror game experience I have had. Some of the enemy encounters in SOMA are also great, and even when people really like Outlast, I think Outlast 2 way better (the first one seemed like only jumpscares).

I would love to keep talking about horror movies and games, but I saw this thread before leaving, and just came for a quick message xD.

1 month ago

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Darkwood is one I've heard floating around, it seems cool but I doubt it'd be my type of game. I might be judgmental because many people such as yourself who thinks nothing much about a top-down horror game, but what I can read about the reviews--it definitely works. This is the third time someone has mentioned SOMA now, I should probably get it sometime. I really like the story of Outlast, although I've never played any of the games. I want to try Outlast but I think I would be too scared to fall asleep at night. Back to Darkwood, I heard that it has some weird "choices matter" elements where you do something earlier in the game and it will affect you later on, not harshly but it will change things nonetheless.

Come back anytime, always happy to learn new things and find new games to explore, especially since I am very new into horror games, I usually just play whatever catches my drift at the time. My current obsession is golf games, believe it or not.

1 month ago

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Very soft (I can play = not scary enough for horror fans), but interesting:
Project Kat - Paper Lily Prologue https://store.steampowered.com/app/1698960/Project_Kat__Paper_Lily_Prologue/
Paper Lily - Chapter 1 https://store.steampowered.com/app/2220360/Paper_Lily__Chapter_1/

I usually don't play this kind of games (RPG Maker thingies) but the prologue seemed interesting (I forgot why I gave it a try), so I got the Chapter 1 when it released. Currently mid playthrough.

1 month ago

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Very weird, not something I'd play but interesting indeed. Reminds me of Doki Doki Literature Club.

1 month ago

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I can see the similarities for the prologue, but the main game is very different, haha. In terms of story/characters, though. The gameplay is nothing alike (not a VN).

1 month ago

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Silent Hill or SOMA are my recommendations.
By the way, Silent Hill 3 is abandonware to my knowledge, you can download and play it for free if you so wish.

1 month ago

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SOMA, again. I think I really need to try it.

1 month ago

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Not without reason.
Its a yet unmatched existential-psychological horror. While gameplay-wise its really similar to the usual horror games where you are hiding from monsters that chase you, but I'd argue that they are only considered secondary threat to the terror you feel while playing through this exceptionally well written story.
I've played it about 5 years ago but the experience still occasionally haunts me in my quiet moments.

1 month ago

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Must be extraordinary, never heard anyone recommend SOMA as much as when I started talking about psychological horror. Not sure if I should be concerned when I play it for myself. Well, we'll see!

1 month ago

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If you really want an interesting psychological horror game with minimal handgun combat and clever/fun puzzles with exploration, i can't recomend enough In Sound Mind. IMO, it's one of the best I have ever played and you have a cute cat on your office :D.
And I absolutely love horror games, they are one of my favourite genres of all time :)

1 month ago

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In Sound Mind has some of the best level design in horror games ever. I had a great time with it.

1 month ago

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In Sound Mind looks cool, but I doubt I'd want to try it. I am not sure how to explain it, but it looks a bit bland or so to say. Amazing music choice in the trailer though!

1 month ago

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I think I like this recipe of potatoes the most. (Not in English)

For psychological horror, it's the only sub-genre of horror I can play and still can't for most of them. I have played Neverending Nightmares and the horror in there was quite enough for me. The best part of that game, the main character has asthma and can't run for long and if you run too long he has to rest, which is obviously a bad thing for a horror game. :)

1 month ago

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That's a damn good looking potato.

Of COURSE the main character has asthma, because why not right? The game looks interesting, but the game still doesn't fill the "the one in fear is YOU" aspect enough. Compared to something like Amnesia: The Bunker where YOU are stuck in that bunker or whatever it is, never got to play the game. Visually, game looks stunning, I like it.

Note to future horror game developers: When the average human is scared, they get an adrenaline hit and they can run more than you would ever imagine they could.

1 month ago

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According to that site it's an old Yugoslav recipe. It sure is good.

Yeah, it's an interesting game. You're trying to escape from the character's nightmares and the nightmares get worse when you progress. I initially wanted to play that game because of it being all charcoal drawings. Horror part was just a collateral damage for me. At least it was short.

I tried to play the first Amnesia game and I actually liked the puzzles but usually I don't like solving puzzles under pressure so eventually I quit. I think those monsters also have adrenaline, haha.

1 month ago

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If the monster can experience adrenaline and somehow run FASTER than me, now THAT is some bull crap right there, at least it gives me a bigger sense of freedom.

Game visually looks very nice, I can see the appeal of it, but the horror aspect seems kind of, yea. I feel sorry for the guy, must be rough for him :(

1 month ago

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I think I only know Slenderman where the monster(!?) can be faster than you. I don't like it.

Psychological horror term really fits that game though, it was not scary but it did have some high tension. It was worth the endure it to see the charcoal world for me.

If you like puzzles, you can check Goetia, really liked that one. Probably because it was not really a horror game but related to an ancient demon summoning grimoire (The Ars Goetia, hence the name).

1 month ago

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Not a big fan of puzzles, but I enjoy the Rusty Lake series, still yet to start playing that. I remember playing a Slenderman game on the PS3 but it doesn't come to mind right now, I think it was called "The Arrival" or something, scared me a lot.

I'd say Cube Escape: Paradox was the same, it was weird and eerie but not that scary, just very tense and exhilarating. The crow still gives me nightmares.

1 month ago

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Yeah, I wouldn't call Rusty Lake games as horror (only played one but assuming all have the same formula), eerie indeed though.

I have two series in my mind that I would like to play, Fatal Frame and Resident Evil. Horror outweighs the other aspects so I couldn't. :)
I barely played Dead Space, really loved the RPG aspects but knowing that you're not alone in space is scary.

1 month ago

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I think the horror in the games varies, but it's mostly just creepy atmosphere and eerie and bloody scenes and the occasional jumps, but no outright jumpscares I don't think.

I've never enjoyed RPG games that much, but the one RPG game I really enjoyed was Cat Quest. Played it a lot alone on the PS4 and also enjoyed the second installment a lot as well. Great games.

1 month ago

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Heh, at least there is no horror in Cat Quest. Just meow meow :3

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1 month ago

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There was a time when I was really into horror. I played every game and watched every movie I could get my hands on. That ended after playing Outlast. It was so scary, scarier than anything else I've watched or played. Since then I haven't enjoyed (or feared) horror as much not even Outlast 2. I still hunt for the good ones but the horror genre isn't my first or second pick anymore. I still watch every SAW movie that gets released ; )
I should also mention that Sinister (2012) contributed to my horror satiety back then.
And here is a good free short totally not horror game: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1849040/lure/

1 month ago

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YEA, okay. I'm good, THANK YOU.

I love Saw, I love the narrative. It doesn't matter if the effects are bad or that the horror isn't that great, I love the story behind it all. I see John Kramer, as a savior of sorts. He definitely isn't god but not the devil either. I love the traps too, my favorite probably being that flammable room with a candle at the start of one of the movies. The blood eagle was cool too, I suppose. I want to rewatch the movies sometimes, not too clear to me anymore.

1 month ago

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I'm not really into "horror movies" as I find them rather boring or over the top in general, especially the top rated ones but I have watched and appreciated a few in recent years that were indeed tagged as "horror" but tended to be on of a scarier variety than just gore and spooky stories that pass for horror now.
I'm sure that the more jaded who eat, breathe and sleep horror movies would review these movies as boring though.
So I think like a lot of things, horror movies and games are not intrinsically anything. They are experiences that depend on who you are, what you've seen and done and where the line is for you.
To me, shows like Lovecraft Country and movies like Vuelven, His House or The Babadook are scarier than any Saw movie.

What makes the game especially great is that there are a lot of ambient noises, which do absolutely nothing than fuel the fire that is your fear.

I absolutely agree that atmosphere and the unseen is scarier than masses of gorefest coming at you. I have played Evil Within and found it way less scary than Yuppie Psycho. It's one of the creepiest games I've played and it's really all in the ambiance, sound design and jump scares.

1 month ago

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Have you seen A Dark Song (2016)?, not particularly scary, but very entertaining and though provoking

1 month ago

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Ooooh yeah I remember this one! Very odd but rewarding if you stuck with it at the beginning when things were a bit unclear.
Great acting too.
A typical example of psychological horror done well. With a real story and real characters that make you feel invested in what's going to happen to them.

1 month ago

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I really tried to write that sentence as best as I could, because I felt that was what explained the game the best. It wasn't scary for most people, but it was one of the scariest games I've ever played, and with that said, it was scarier than all the Saw movies combined.

I heard the Babadook was very well written and with just about $2 million USD dollar budget, it was really god damn good.

Coming back to Iron Lung, as I already tried to explain is that, when the things in the game might do nothing, be it graphical interventions, ambient noises or just slight color changes in the atmosphere it really does set the mood. The way the game kept tension for the entirety of the game and never let go of that rope was really impressive. Let's just say, I am not ready to tackle it from start to finish again.

1 month ago

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The way the game kept tension for the entirety of the game and never let go of that rope was really impressive.

I have seen the game described as "dread driven", which is pretty accurate. The hard part in a game like that is maintaining the involvement you feel as a player. And I can see why it would be emotionally exhausting. Because you pretty much feel what the character is feeling, which is an element that is missing in most games with a survival tag, imo.
The horror comes from that very involvement and a deep sense of empathy with regards to a fictional character's fate you take on as your own. It's not easy to conjure, much harder than jump scares and gorefests.

1 month ago

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You have no idea how gut-wrenching it was to read those logs on the terminal that read "You are going to die, it was never about freedom, they sent you here to die.". Iron Lung was extremely well made, I love David Szymanski to death. Can't wait to also try Squirrel Stapler and Chop Goblins, and also his upcoming game Butcher's Creek.

1 month ago

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I don't play a lot of horror games because I'm a chicken, but recently I forced myself to beat Hypnagogia, a game about dreamscapes. At some point, unsurprisingly, the game starts veering towards nightmares, and one in particular (School World) scared me to the bones. I think it's worth playing it because there's no fail state - you can't die, so you know there are scary things but they can't hurt you, making it a bit more approachable. At the very least, watch someone play that level (it's like 10-15 minutes) if you don't want to play the game, but the game rocks so do yourself a favor hehe

I'll also be reviewing it in a future edition of the Steam Gifts Magazine, so keep an eye out for it!

I had to drop SIGNALIS because that one was too scary for me. The fact enemies always respawn, ammo is scarce, and you need to keep re-visiting rooms to engage with puzzles made it too stressful for me.

1 month ago

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Hypnagogia looked very, so to say, not scary at the start but as I kept watching it, it got kind of eerie. I do not like that, at all. I put the game into my wishlist, looks like a very interesting experience.

I've read a few of the Steam Gifts Magazines, you guys are awesome!

Signalis seems to be survival horror, I am not sure if I want to give Outlast a try then. That game looks a little scary but Outlast is full psycho mode. I'll definitely keep an eye out for a sale on Hypnagogia, thank you for the greatest suggestion so far!

1 month ago

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There is a big tonal shift approx. halfway through Hypnagogia, so you're completely on the right track here. I literally had to stop playing the game when I got to School World because I couldn't take it hahaha a month later I returned and managed to complete it, but only after watching a couple of playthroughs and knowing I'd be okay 😂.

Thank you for the kind words on SGM! Maybe you can win Hypnagogia when the review comes out - surprise, I'll be including a GA there :)

And yeah, SIGNALIS wears its Resident Evil influence very explicitly. That one I could not finish lol

1 month ago

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I really like the style of Hypangogia, I thought it was very cartoony and very asian or not sure how the right word for that is, japanese-looking I guess? At first it looked like not my kind of game but then on second thought it seemed really cool, how long was the game to complete? It reminds me of those really sharp and grainy old console games, can't quite put my finger on it.

Looking forward to it, not sure where I'll be able to find that but I'll have a look at the thread again.

Resident Evil isn't my kind of game, only Resident Evil-like game I'll try soon is Nightmare of Decay. I don't like the fact I can "fight back", the point of horror is to feel weak and defenseless.

1 month ago

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It took me 4h33m. That includes most but not all secret worlds - I missed Hell World, Candy World and Underwater World, but replayed a few levels to unlock the Underwater World. If you're looking to 100% it and get all cheevos, I think ti could take up to 8 hours. I know it's a bit on the short end of the spectrum, but it was an incredibly fulfilling experience to play through it, and I think about the game very often (which is the hallmark of good games for me).

For SGM, I also interviewed the dev and we talked a lot about his influences, and how he makes his games look and feel like PS1 / Dreamcast games. It's super cool. He has another game called Covert Critters which is a re-telling of Metal Gear Solid. I haven't bought it yet but will probably to so soon

If Hypnagogia caught your eye, you might take a look at Fatum Betula as well. It's another first-person exploration game with no permanent fail state, but with a lot of eerie and liminal spaces for you to play and almost no rules are explained. It has a nightmare world within it as well that is eerie and unsettling without any jumpscares. It's the kind of game with a thick ambience, that always keeps you on the edge. The experience of playing it is a bit different since there are 12 endings, and most of the playthrough is figuring out how to access each ending. I ended up finding two or three on my own and watching the rest of it on Youtube. It's a fantastic game too, and if you ever bought any of those huge itch.io bundles (the Ukraine or LGBT one), you probably have both games on your collection already

And completely agree with you on the RE point. That's what frustrated me in SIGNALIS, you're never in control. You're always in the disadvantage versus the world. That was too much for me haha

1 month ago

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Talk about short, Iron Lung was 45 minutes to complete the main game and then took me 20 minutes to get the last achievement, then I had to spend 2 hours idling the game to get the card drops.

You got to interview the actual developer of the game? That is so so so sick. I wonder how the dev must feel, being praised like this and his work being appreciated like this, must've put a smile on his face.

Fatum Betula has a different style, I don't quite like it, not enough to put it on my wishlist. I like the idea of no permanent fail state, but I feel like it's experience better when you don't know there is actually nothing to be scared about. What Iron Lung did perfectly was also the fact that, it kind of mimicked the "no permanent fail state" style by keeping the tension for the entire game and then releasing it all at once at the end. I don't really use itch.io, I created an account to try the game Windowkill that is now on Steam as a full release which is pretty cool, but I never actually spent a dime on itch.io yet.

Is that why Signalis wasn't that great? It's like they gave you the toolbox, but forgot to give you the tips for the screwdriver. Personally, I just find horror games with guns not that interesting, actually, I just realized by typing this that Amnesia: The Bunker has a gun, Lethal Company which I adore has a gun, Nightmare of Decay has a gun. The funny thing is, you probably can't stay away from guns but that's what make Lethal Company fun(ny). The satisfaction of finally defeating your enemy is also pretty good in horror games, the relief must feel blissful.

Forget that last paragraph, nonsense.

1 month ago

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Hahahaha don't worry. SIGNALIS just felt very punishing for me, and that's part of its design philosophy. It's a game that WANTS you to feel weak and on a corner, and it does a great job at that. It gives you a gun, but very few bullets and enemies that respawn after a while, so you need to be judicious about when to fight and when to run. It doesn't clearly tell your health or how much a medkit heals, so you're always guessing. Puzzles require a lot of back and forth, so you'll eventually run into the same enemies over and over again. Some people are looking specifically for that, but I'm a chicken and can't handle that hahaha

It's a great game, just not for me

1 month ago

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Doesn't seem like the game for me, all I know is that Amnesia: The Bunker has a gun and you have one bullet. If Signalis is going for that weak and lonely feeling then I think it accomplishes itself pretty well. I personally don't like to go run and gunning around like a chicken either. Get it, gunning? Iron Lung was great, because I couldn't do anything and I was always on edge, but for a different reason.

I also just now read the rules and whatnot of the SGM group, and it seems perfect to me. I am a writer/reviewer/opinion giver at heart and I think I would do a great job providing some top of the line reviews, if I dedicated myself to it. Okay, maybe not OVER THE TOP and PERFECT reviews but I'd do my best and my best would be pretty damn good. Do I just request to join group? That's what the rules is hinting at. I don't see any applications discussion anywhere.

1 month ago

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Yeah, you can just post on the group thread saying you're interested, and saying what role you'd like to have. Looks like reviewer from what you described. We keep a very lively Discord channel if you're interested, and there's also a Steam group you should join to be able to see the giveaways available for review :)

1 month ago

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Thank you for the pointers, I'll definitely play Hypnagogia at some point in my life.

1 month ago

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SOMA. It is not scary, but it's devastating

1 month ago

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Thank you for the comforting words 🙏

1 month ago

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I don't like the stress of jump scare horror.

Good psychological horror OTOH is fine by me. Most Cthulhu titles fit into this category.

Here are a few psych horror titles. Some are more horror than others, but all have at least elements of psych horror. Except INFRA, which plays exactly like a horror game but is not horror whatsoever lol. The first few titles are free on Steam.

Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft

Answer Knot

Our Way Down

If On A Winter's Night, Four Travelers

A Night on the Farm


The Shadow Over Route 80



1 month ago

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Dagon: by H. P. Lovecraft looks really neat, I have tried to read a few Lovecraft books myself (The Lurking Fear I believe?) but never finished any, but how much I've read it was really good. The game is free too so I added it to my library.

Now, let's talk about the game that kind of gave me chills, The Shadow Over Route 80. That game looks genuinely scary. I don't think I ever want to play that (I added it to my wishlist).

1 month ago

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Shadow Over Route 80 is definitely heavy on vibes for sure.


1 month ago

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Ugh, for 2 bucks it is worth a shot some time. I hope it shivers my timbers.

1 month ago

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Have you watched The Blair Witch Project? One of if not the best psychological horror / found footage film, definitely a classis. Also try Ari Aster's work, specially Hereditary.

As for games, I highly recommend Darkwood. One of the best experiences I've had with a horror game.

1 month ago

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I have not watched that movie, only found footage movies I've watched is Grave Encounters and Grave Encounters 2, which I both enjoyed although a bit scuffed. Hereditary sounds funny, I think in the trailer for the game Dusk it says that in a really funny voice.

Darkwood is cheap on sale, usually 4€ or something and it seems like a fun game and I have been recommended it a lot so I think I should actually give it a try sometime, people have said it is really good. Even when I don't enjoy top-down games all that much and I am not sure how that fits into the horror world but I am open to give it a try.

1 month ago

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Haven't read the whole discussion yet (will do later) but if you're looking for a psychological horror then maybe try this and this.
p.s. The first one I am too afraid to play, the second one is not so scary but a great game.
p.p.s. But nothing beats real life.

1 month ago

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Visage looks, unnerving. In Sound Mind is also recommended like 3 times now and the trailer doesn't really sell the game for me, but Visage looks very very very very very uncomfortable.

Love the duck hunt profile picture by the way, I used to play that game a lot :)

1 month ago

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