Puzzle Lovers is a small, but continuously growing group dedicated to puzzle games and games with puzzles. Now that we have more than 4200 members, we have plans for more group-only events and giveaways, while also including (and potentially recruiting) non-members. Everybody's welcome to join by visiting the group page and clicking the green Join group button in the top right corner. If you're a game developer, publisher or just an interested player, you might want to check out our Basic Functionality and Accessibility Guide.

Friendly discussions on the forum

  • New to the group? Introduce yourself!
  • Tell us what you've been playing, puzzler or otherwise.
  • Open a thread for your favorite puzzle game.
  • Ask for help if you get stuck.
  • Post your puzzle-related creations in the Community Corner.
  • Developers and publishers are also welcome to introduce their puzzle games to our community to facilitate discussion and gather feedback.

Brainrack, our weekly newsletter

  • Check out the newsletter archives
  • Posted every Monday as an announcement (morning US time, evening EU time)
  • Puzzle game news (Steam or otherwise)
  • New and upcoming releases on Steam
  • Screenshot of the week
  • Deals and bundles (Steam or otherwise)
  • Giveaways (see below)
  • Spotlight on lesser-known or forgotten games
  • Community Corner pick (see above)


We have giveaways every week via SteamGifts (some are open, some only for group members) and special giveaway events during major Steam sales, the group's birthday, or whenever we feel like it (e.g. 'Advent in Advance', an annual, month-long chain of daily giveaways in October). Details and links are in the current issue of the newsletter.

Thanks for your attention, hope to see you in the group soon, and tell your friends!

5 years ago*

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Seems like some nice games in there. Count me in.
I recently played The Spiral Scouts lately, and that is pretty much all just puzzles.
Also Last Day of June, although light on puzzling still required a bit of brain-engaging XD
Mad Age and This Guy and She Remembered Caterpillars were also pretty decent as well.

5 years ago

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thanks and welcome! I also picked up spiral scouts the other week, haven't played it yet. caterpillars is already among our recommendations but I wasn't sure about the last day of june, might pick it up later. never heard of mad age, gonna look into it, thanks for the suggestion.

5 years ago

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Below are my most played games on Steam. I guess your group is for me ;)

View attached image.
5 years ago

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seems like it, welcome! paint it back is amazing, but the fact that you can only save one puzzle's progress at a time made me do some save file juggling and it hasn't been addressed even years later. there are other great nonograms on steam, we don't have a list on the curator page for them yet, but soon. in the meantime, check out pepper's puzzles, picrastination and cross pixels (triangles!). pictopix is supposed to be great too but I haven't gotten round to it. same with tametsi.

if you like hexcells (who doesn't?), we have a hex-based games list already (just found a new game for it yesterday, review and stuff coming soon), though it's more about the shape itself than hexcells clones, but you definitely want to check delete out, if you haven't. it's basically hexcells with squares in 3d. short but excellent.

5 years ago

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wow, triangles! never saw nonogram in triangles before. thanks for the recommendation :)

5 years ago

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it takes some getting used to with the angles and what belongs to which line, but I think it's pretty cool. the game also has workshop support and some of the levels are by the developers themselves. wish it were more well-known, so I'm glad I found another interested party.

5 years ago

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I whitelisted "Paint it back" now, thanks!

4 years ago

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Have a follow and a bump!

5 years ago

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congrats for being the 50th follower. or 51st. either way, thanks!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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If you do not recommand Future Proof you are doing it wrong -_-

5 years ago

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I remember it looking interesting, but the constant time limit turned me off and I didn't end up buying it. I know that's the whole point, time travel and re-doing stuff and whatnot, but it's not for me. I'm not doing the group alone though, so who knows, one day it might appear.

5 years ago

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thanks a lot for the interest so far, everyone! we've now reached 250+ members and 50+ followers, so we're gonna do 2 giveaways on monday for the double milestone.

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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guess it depends on your definition. we try to recommend all sorts because people like different things, mosty 'pure' puzzlers, but also word games, card games, point & clicks, etc. that said, we're not really into hogs, so you probably won't see too many, only some highly recommended ones.

5 years ago

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Oooo my kind of people :3 I have the slight feeling this group will be bad for my wallet :D

Have a bump!

5 years ago

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thanks and welcome and I hope so but also sorry for your wallet! though to be fair, puzzlers tend to be a lot cheaper than other games, plus there's always sales and bundles going on somewhere, hence the long-ass deals section in the newsletter. or you can click the discounts tab on the curator page to see what's currently on sale, but that's only for steam, of course. if you like sliding games, cubicity would be a good pick, for example, I really enjoyed my time with it and more levels are coming.

5 years ago

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Yep, them being cheap is definitely a saving grace :)
I am more of a solitaire/mahjong/jigsaw/match-3/managmenty person myself, but thanks for the suggestion ^^
Here is a few I have played recently that might be worth taking a look at if haven't yet: Draw Puzzle, Paint it Back, Quell series, Hexus, Anime Babes: Solitaire (yes, the name is awful, but it has an absurd amount of solitaire game modes and you can disable all the anime nonsense), Faerie Solitaire Harvest, Super Jigsaw Puzzle series and Northern Tale.

5 years ago

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ah, a fellow solitaire & mahjong enthusiast! there's plenty of the former on steam, some great, some not so much (18 of them are already added to our list with more to come), not so many good mahjongs though. world contest and magic journey 1-3 are okay but not the best, and I have maybe one more unplayed and 3 wishlisted, though there are more 'clones' of magic journey with different backgrounds/themes. I wish kyodai came to steam or gog, that's my absolute favorite, before it went full 3d, that is.

I'm not big on jigsaws, save for the glass masquerade series, but my curator buddy just added dark fantasy 2, that looks decent if you're into painted fantasy ladies, not your typical hentai cash grab. and aurora hex is kind of like a jigsaw, I guess, but with shapes and colors instead of a picture and hexagons instead of puzzle pieces. I'm currently playing it and gonna post a review in a few days, I like it.

we also have a bunch of match-3 and other matching games in a neat list, some good stuff there too. I'm fine with the genre, not a huge fan, but while I pick up almost every solitaire, I don't buy all the match-3 games. either the setting's off, there's a timer or it's exactly the same as the other 10 by the same developer but with a different story, which doesn't necessarily bother me with solitaire, strangely.

thanks for the recs, some are already in our 'database', some are gonna be added when we finally get to play them, but haven't heard of hexus, anime babes or northern tale (not into time management, 4 hercules games were enough, but the hero of the kingdom series is soooo good!). I've actually been looking for some solitaire that isn't the typical +1/-1 or the match-2 type (though that isn't that common), but they tend to be more expensive or not that great-looking. solsuite is excellent, but it's another one that's never gonna be sold outside their website, I guess.

5 years ago

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I will definitely take a look at that list when I get the time :3 I never heard of Kyodai so I went to look it up. I found the mahjob game but I also found this. Do you happen to know if any games of this kind that exist on Steam? I find it extremely satisfying to solve it.

I am not really into fantasy ladies, but I will take any kind of jigsaw game I can come across so off to my wishlist it goes. So does Aurora Hex, I like to concept.

There is waaaaay too many match-3 games out there to even making it feasible to buy them all. Hell, I even made on in high school myself.

Hmmmm I actually can't think of any games on the top of my head with a bunch of game modes except the Anime Babses one (I can't for the life of me figure out how to make an album on Imgur anymore but there are the modes it has 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

5 years ago

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never seen anything like that butterfly thing before, sorry, but if you can totally de-hentai that game and it looks like on your pictures, it's going on my wishlist, that's an impressive variety. and if you have good match-3 recommendations, I'd love to hear them as well, besides the on one the list. I have more wishlisted and bought but unplayed but can't list them right now (and apparently the butterfly game has a timer, it just told me I failed while typing this).

here are a few titles that have various game modes. no story or anything, but they don't really get discounted, so don't have hands-on experience yet:

I thought solitaire club was another one but apparently it's just regular solitaire, the only reason I have it wishlisted without a story or anything is because it's got a set number of levels, so can be completed.

some of the jewel match solitaire titles also have additional game modes (the original, the sequel and winterscapes from what I can tell), they put one out every other month or so, but $10 is pretty steep for solitaire, especially this many, and all but one are basically cut versions, not the collector's editions, so I'm waiting for a steep-steep discount to grab them.

5 years ago

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Ah shame :( I would love something like that that doesn't run on Flash :(
Yup, the way you see the cards in the screenshot is the way I played the game. There is still some "anime babes" on the menu screen that you can't get rid of, but it is a price I was willing to pay in exchange for all those game modes.

I appreciate the links! I shall take a look at them :)

As for match 3, I quickly looked through my played list:
The good old classic: Bejeweled
7 Wonders series
A bit of a different spin on match-3 than usual: Dialing
Suffers from the anime nonsense syndrome, but I still quite liked it: Hell Girls
Triple Town
You Must Build A Boat

I probably missed some, but if I can think of anything else, more obscure that people might not really now about I will let you know :)

5 years ago

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cool, wishlisted it, gonna wait for a bigger sale than the current one, picked up some other solitaires recently, just when I was about to run out.

thanks for the match-3 list, most are already listed or wishlisted (I've been told a few times I shouldn't miss out on 10000000 and ymbab despite my reservations), though when the 7 wonders games were in a bundle, I had to pass on them because I couldn't get the demos to work and/or they had a timer. might take another look when they're cheap again, they looked good otherwise.

5 years ago

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just finished playing mundus 2 and it has butterflies, thought I'd let you know. it's not exactly butterfly matching like above, more like the spider (was it?) thing in bejeweled 3, so you gotta match butterflies with the same colored gems before they fly off the top of the screen. it's not on every level, there's a very good variety of stuff, even hexagon levels, definitely recommend it. I played it on zen mode, no move limit, very cool.

4 years ago

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Sounds interesting and I am always up for a good match 3 game. Wishlisted and hoping to pick in up during the summer sale. Thank you very much for the suggestion ^^

4 years ago

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4 years ago

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Not exactly the gamemode I wanted, but one can not have enough match-3(well 4 in this case) games. Wishlisted, thank you very much for the suggestion ^^

4 years ago

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same here, upon closer inspection, wish it had some other modes, but not often do you run into butterfly-themed games and have someone to recommend them to (sort of, as it's not exactly what you were looking for). (edit: looks like it's gonna get updated in the coming months with 3 new game modes, looking forward to that.)

4 years ago*

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Just 100%ed the game and I have to say I did really enjoy it. You don't see that many games where the match 3 (well 4) mechanic is that you straight up replace something on the board and not just move/add it. Thank you once again for the suggestion, it was a great one :)

And bump!

4 years ago

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glad to hear it. I'm gonna hold off until the new game modes come along, might as well play the whole thing in one go.

4 years ago

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issue #5 of our weekly newsletter is out along with the double milestone giveaways, good luck and good reading!


5 years ago

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Do you guys do group-only giveaways?

5 years ago

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it's definitely planned at some point, but we're just starting out (again) and currently trying to reach as many people as possible. ideally there'd be one open and one group-only every week, we'll see how things go.

5 years ago

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hey, just thought I'd let you know that our first group-only giveaway (and 2 free-for-all) is now open. good luck if you decide to enter!

4 years ago

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Thanks for the heads-up :)

4 years ago

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I’m curious, would a game like spacechem be a puzzle game? (Trying to get through it, feels like my brain is breaking down)

5 years ago

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thanks! it's definitely a puzzle game, and I hear it's among the best, but zachtronics makes games for people much smarter than me.

5 years ago

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I love puzzles game they're pretty much my favorite genre that and adventure games so count me in:)

5 years ago

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you'll fit right in then, welcome! we're gonna add some more puzzly non-hidden object adventure games at some point too.

5 years ago

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As someone who has enjoyed the Zachtronics games I own from TIS-100 to SHENZHEN I/O, this feels like my kind of group.

5 years ago

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welcome! hope you'll find some more games to enjoy.

5 years ago

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bump for minor milestone: 75+ followers!

5 years ago

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aaand 300+ members, woohoo!

5 years ago

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Cool curator, thanks!

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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While you are permitted to mention your group's curation, the link is not allowed. Please remove it.

5 years ago

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done. I thought it was allowed in this part of the forum.

5 years ago

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Curation =/= Steam Group

We are in the process of reviewing what we allow (or don't) on this site, so our policy may change. As of yet, however, advertising one's curation is not allowed.

5 years ago

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5 years ago

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I love puzzles, so I will join.

Will puzzle/other genre games be included, or only pure puzzles?

5 years ago

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thanks and welcome! it's not only pure puzzles, we have point & clicks (not many so far but definitely more to come), hidden object, puzzle platformers, etc. we're still in the process of adding our already played titles without flooding followers too much with new recommendations, then we'll create more lists to make finding things easier, but we already have a few of those as well.

4 years ago

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brainrack issue #7 is out with this week's giveaway, the newly released glass masquerade dlc, and all the usual stuff.

4 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

4 years ago

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I'm interested. Though I've always been more of a shooter/platformer/rpg type player, I find myself playing puzzle games more and lately, even though I am not particularly good at them. Most recent favorite was Pony Island - just loved the dark humor in that. Recently started SpaceChem - that will take some time so I plan to keep revisiting it as I play other titles, which is a terrible plan.

4 years ago

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welcome! I've played all sorts of games all my life, though I was partial to adventure, simulation and strategy as a kid, but the last few years my puzzler consumption went through the roof. could be worse, I could be addicted to $60-100 aaa games or multiplayer stuff that need decent hardware and other people.

4 years ago

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brainrack issue #8 with a HUGE summer sale giveaway, 2 games, 1 dlc, 20 (TWENTY!) copies altogether, one is group-only, so make sure to join us before you enter this or any future group-only giveaways. good luck!

4 years ago

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we'we reached well over 350 members since the giveaways started, and just about went over 100 curator followers. thanks, everyone!

4 years ago

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we're no past 400 members, thanks and welcome to all the new faces!

4 years ago

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I like solving puzzles speacially if it is good image
i would like to join

4 years ago

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welcome! you can find our newsletters in the announcements section with giveaway info and the curator section has a ton of recommendations, reviews and lists (more to come, not everything's added and categorized yet).

4 years ago

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it's not too late to enter our huge summer sale giveaways (gm1 and the new dlc are open for all, but make sure to join the group first for a chance to win gm2):
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/ivV1z/glass-masquerade (10 copies)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/FyaV1/glass-masquerade-heritages-puzzle-pack (5 copies)
https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/wg25m/glass-masquerade-2-illusions (5 copies)

4 years ago

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When posting links or content, that content should not force users, encourage users through reward, or primarily exist as a traffic source for users to perform an action for promotional, commercial, or monetary benefit. Such actions include but are not limited to clicking a referral link, liking a Facebook page, following a Twitter account, joining a Steam group, completing a survey, or making a donation. (Please note, in giveaway descriptions we do allow users and developers to link to their related Steam Greenlight, group, and store pages, as well as their social media channels. Users are also able to reference their group giveaways when posting in the Group Recruitment category of our forum.)

You can write about your curator page in giveaway descriptions, but not in the forum discussion. And even when you removed direct link, then whole post is only about curator page.

I will close this thread. If you change the topic, so it will focus on group created to share games through SG - you can create other ticket for support member to open this discussion.

4 years ago

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