
Steam's 2018 wishlist redesign (moving the WL feature from Community to Store, so customers in Chinaโ€”who cannot access the Community but can access the Storeโ€”get to enjoy the feature) made it impossibru to change anything about the order of items on your wishlist once any form of filtering is applied, whether that's a name search or merely reducing it from all items view to games-only.
For people with humongous wishlists, this made it effectively impossible to retain their most-desired unpossessions at the top of the WL in a meticulously ranked fashion. If your list ain't sorted, your friends don't even know what to gift you for your birthday, name day, cake day, and similar.

This script forces the rank box and sorting handle to always be visible and active. My own use case is filtering games by name and typing new near-top positions for them into the box.


Assuming you peruse a user script manager of any shape โ€“ https://greasyfork.org/en/help/installing-user-scripts has a list, but Edge users too should really use Chrome Store addons, like Tampermonkey โ€“ you just ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป CLICK HERE TO INSTALL๐Ÿ‘ˆ๐Ÿป.

Usage details

Type a number in the ranking box and unfocus the box (or press enter) to submit a full re-ordered wishlist every time.
The script shows rankings on others' WLs, but you obviously cannot modify them.

If you have the wishlist sorted by anything else than Your Ranked Order and make any changes (Name / Price / Discount % / Date Added / Top Selling / Release Date / Review Score), this sorting will become permanent as the new Your Ranked Order.

Credits, prior art, funny bugs, side effects, and lazy design; also alternatives

I pretty much stole the entire thing from https://www.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/7xwd5e/quickfix_i_have_hundreds_of_games_in_my_wishlist/ , so full credit goes to u/pope7 on Reddit.

The new wishlist will internally allow multiple games to share the same rank. The game first added to spot 1 is followed by the second game added to spot 1, and so on, is followed by the first game on spot 2, and so on.
(When you drag anything with the slider or enter a new number on the page, a correctly re-sorted list is sent, so this is typically a temporary state.)
You can pretty easy manually submit a new rank for specific app IDs. The first app ID you supply is spot 1, the second is spot 2, and so on. Meaning if you have a normally sorted list, and push three new games to the top, they will get positions 2, 4, and 6.

You can use the following in a browser console on a Steam Store tab, editing only the app IDs as needed:

fetch("https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/0/reorder/", {
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
  "body": `appids%5B%5D=1194520&appids%5B%5D=42670&sessionid=${g_sessionID}`,
  "method": "POST",

The profile ID can be set to zero, and each app ID needs to be preceded by a appids%5B%5D=, with a standard & between arguments. The session ID is taken from the page variables and works as-is.
The games you're pushing up have to already be wishlisted.
Remember if you do it multiple times in a row, your first batch gets actual-positions #2, #4, #6, your second batch will get positions #3, #6, #9, etc.

Soโ€ฆ you just stole some code and wrote a ten option poll?


3 years ago*

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What's the best name for this?

View Results
Steam Wishlist Sorting Helper
Steam Wishlist Ranking Helper
Steam Wishlist Sorting Fix
Steam Wishlist Ranking Fix
Steam Wishlist Sorter
Steam Wishlist Always Active Sorter
Steam Wishlist Sorting Always Active
Steam Wishlist Sorting Always Available
Steam Wishlist Sorting Aid
< other, reply to first comment below >

< name ideas go here >

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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some Steam wishlists are like this:


3 years ago

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Always confused me as to why it would disappear, so thanks!

3 years ago

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Good idea, but it freeze my tab when I scroll too fast, maybe related to other extensions or scripts.

3 years ago

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Does that not always happen on the new wishlist because it is paginated and loads the WL in chunks?
(for example you cannot use ctrl-F browser search like you could on the old fully loaded wishlist)

3 years ago

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No, it happens only with the script !
When the page load, the full WL is not loaded yet, but the height of the scrolling area is pre-allocated : look at the size of the scrollbar cursor. Then I click and hold on that cursor, moving it fast to โ‰ˆ1/5 of the end, the page is dark then as soon as some games appear, I move the cursor back to โ‰ˆ1/3 of the beginning.
With the script, the page stays dark and will remain even if I scroll back to the very beginning, some seconds after it hangs the tab.
Without the script, everything works, games are shown progressively on each successive scroll.
An easy workaround is to load the full WL first in "personal order" sorting mode (the one always showing the ranks), then the script doesn't hang when switching modes/filters/...

3 years ago

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Can you give me an example URL and steps to reproduce? I tried opening my friend's wishlist and scrolling down as far as I could drag the bar as I could as quickly as possible, and it seems to work pretty much the same with or without the script. Perhaps it takes 200-300 milliseconds more for the rendering, I can't really tell.

Do you mean a non-ranked sort order is the issue? I tried your WL with user review sorting: https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/corbian#sort=reviewscore

I also tried a wishlist with several thousand games with #sort=dateadded&platform_linux=1 and was able to scroll like normal; just takes a while beforehand for all the games to load, but that too does not depend on the script at all.

Perhaps it depends on browser, browser version, rendering method (GPU/OS), or the userscript manager?

3 years ago

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Yeah, perhaps, as I was saying... I'm using Firefox with between 15 to 25 extensions, not always enabling all to reduce the likeliness of conflicts... Here I've found today which one was conflicting : Augmented Steam, the Enhanced Steam fork from ITAD, which is making its own changes to the WL, and the tab is no more freezing ! ๐Ÿ•

3 years ago

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How do you have it configured?
In one Chrome Augmented Steam install (where I can't notice an issue, so far) I use
[x] Show "Empty Wishlist" button
[x] Show wishlist stats on wishlist
[ ] Show user notes on wishlist and app pages
[ ] Show {Price History Information} on Wishlist

Do you use the user notes or price history on WL? The latter especially I usually found a bit resource-heavy.

3 years ago

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All 4 checked ! And of course disabling the last (pricing infos) also "disables" the freezing.
Also, I've made a quick test with both Stylus then Stylish extensions and added as a custom style the exact CSS snippet you used in the script, with each other options as default... and it also freeze the tab as with the script.

3 years ago

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Strange, I don't have the issue though.

View attached image.
3 years ago*

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๐Ÿ˜ฑH~~ This script is FREAKING AWESOOOOOME!!! ๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿค˜
It's extremely useful and helpful for searching&reordering games while the ctrl+f function not working anymore. Awesome job!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

3 years ago

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Tested and it doesn't seem to work. In fact, it seems to scramble my wishlist. Any clue of what I might be doing wrong?

3 years ago

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I just tested on an acc with a small (125 games) WL in the newest Chrome. Both dragging games into new positions has the expected effect, as well as using name filter search, typing a rank number into the field and defocusing.

Any details as to the browser, userscript manager, wishlist size you tried it on?

"Scrambling" would occur if you previously had multiple games on the same rank, or had it sorted by something else than Rank Order while making changes, otherwise I'm not sure why.
For example if I sort by discount, and then make it submit a new list by changing anything, the entire list is now discount-sorted.

3 years ago

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Sorry for the delay
I did some more tests, and it seems it actually makes my position order match to my currently selected order (ie "low to high price") once I update the position of any title.
So no scramble, just wasn't sure how it worked

3 years ago

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Your written text is too complicate for me and my sleepy brain

3 years ago

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