Today, reached level 6. That's it. Just wanted to say it out aloud. Has absolutely nothing to do with the below listed puzzle. So don't waste time thinking about it. There, I have warned you.

Anyway, here's a small train in celebration of... well, I guess the end/start of an era, maybe?

   The moon is high, in the sky as the sun sleeps on the other side                    - 1(A)
   It feels like a perfect night, yet that night was somehow better                    - 1*2(B)
   I didn't know what I would find, when I slept underneath that sky that night but    - 1(C)
   Looking at it now, years later it truly was a wonderous sight                       - 2(D)
   And it's a sad picture, but nostalgic too as I recall that moment lost to time      - 3(E)


Yes, this is admittedly harder than my first try at a puzzle, hence the week long time. But who knows, might just be easier for some.

Lo behold, the carts -
Pure Farming 2018
Ciel Fledge: A Daughter Raising Simulator
Rebel Galaxy
Extinction: Deluxe Edition
Guilty Gear Isuka
Death end re;Quest
Them and Us

Overall, nothing too exciting here I know, but what can you do? Best of luck.

Remember, as always, you should check this guide for info if you are unfamiliar with some of the puzzles used in SG -

8 months ago*

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reserved for hints and solution.

hint 1
So a part of each of the five lines of the puzzle share a common background, with the rest of the line being superfluous, to sow confusion.
What you need to figure out is what these parts are and then find what is common among them (it's not just single words but parts of the line), which will give you an answer for each of the lines from which you can get the characters for the first cart in the train.
If you are having trouble finding the what's the common factor otoh, take a look at the post again as it hides a pretty big clue as what it is - might not be obvious at first glance but shouldn't be too hard either.
For those who are still confused, maybe take another look at the guide?

That's all for now and best of luck!

hint 2
it's the first part of each line - i.e., the words before the comma in each line that share the common background. also try to solve the puzzle from the other direction, i.e., try to find what the common factor between these 5 lines are, as it's meant to be solved in that way. once you find what is the common factor, the rest shouldn't take more than a few minutes of google. as stated in the earlier hint, take a look at the entire post again, including this one if needed, to find the common factor.

also, can anyone tell me how the hell do you use emojis - i have been borrowing them from other discussions which means i can't always find an appropriate one...

edit - removed a emoji and expanded the hint further.


Alright, here's the solution -

The first part of each line in the fake poem are all the first lines/parts of Taylor Swift songs. After you have the song titles for the five lines, simply take the characters according to the numbers posted beside them and then rearrange them as shown in the original post. Additional details -
Paper Rings
The Outside
Out of the Woods

Of course, you weren't supposed to get it, unless you were a huge fan which is where the clue came in.

Take the first capital letter from each new paragraph in the discussion post and it spells the name of the artist. Of course, it was still very difficult to guess with just this information which is why the first hint had the title of the artist, listed in the same manner.

That's all. Thanks for playing.

View attached image.
View attached image.
8 months ago*

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emojis on PC: Windows key+.

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Are we looking for a thematic commonality? Every time I feel like I have something, the last line throws me off >~<

7 months ago

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not exactly. hmm, this is a bit hard to say without revealing the answer. so i'll try to.use an example -
if the puzzle was ANA, NGE, AYA, ATO and the common factor was revealed to be food then you'd have to make the connection that these are all the last three letters of specific fruits: banana, orange, papaya and tomato.

hope that helps.

7 months ago

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It does, I think! I feel on the verge of a breakthrough. Last question - at the start of hint 2, what's the first part? The common background, or the noise?

7 months ago

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honestly that wasn't meant to be ambiguous. the first part of all the lines share a commonality.

7 months ago

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Thank you so much for all the hints!!

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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ok you posted how we can find taylor swift from the post but you didn't explain where and what is the code.

7 months ago

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Edited with a few more details.

7 months ago

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Congratz for your level up !

8 months ago

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Not interested in the games, but I thought I would try the puzzle. Tried a few things, and nothing

Thanks, anyway. Have a bump

8 months ago

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Kudos on level 6
Intriguing puzzle. I'll give it a go after a good night sleep

8 months ago

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edited the puzzle a bit to make the actual puzzle stand out more.

7 months ago*

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On the fourth line, the right part is not vertical aligned with other lines. Is this also a hint?

7 months ago

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nope. that's just a misalignment i failed to notice. i'll fix it now.
edit - apparently the alignment doesn't work properly for some reason so this is the best i can do.

7 months ago*

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I think you can align them probably by using a text editor (not a word editor) that uses monospace font (Notepad alike), and use space instead of tab.
My editor is configured to use 4 spaces when I press Tab key.

The moon is high, in the sky as the sun sleeps on the other side                    - 1(A)
It feels like a perfect night, yet that night was somehow better                    - 1*2(B)
I didn't know what I would find, when I slept underneath that sky that night but    - 1(C)
Looking at it now, years later it truly was a wonderous sight.                      - 2(D)
And it's a sad picture, but nostalgic too as I recall that moment lost to time      - 3(E)
7 months ago

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alright! that worked. thanks.

7 months ago*

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Stumped for now, will be back later ^^

7 months ago

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This puzzle fried my brain

7 months ago

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Closing in on 24 hours and no one has solved this yet.

Gonna have to poke at it later on today and see if i get anywhere. So far all i've fouind is a trolling "hint".

How fun!

7 months ago

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yeah. i am getting a bit worried. will probably add my first hint tonight.

7 months ago*

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I see something, but I don't see what to do with it 😅
Congrats on level 6 though!

7 months ago

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Bump for, thank god for hints ;p

7 months ago

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I kinda hate hard puzzles. Since I'm only interested in one game (Guilty Gear Isuka) I'll just skip this puzzle.
However, as always, thanks for your giveaways, appreciated (though maybe easier puzzles in the future, heh).
Also, thanks for listing the games, that's always a great help.

7 months ago

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We need a hint. Honest.

7 months ago

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added a few hints in the reserved post. hopefully it helps.

7 months ago*

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self bump

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Bump for smarter people than me should try to solve this puzzle.

7 months ago

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I feel the same.

OP responded to me yesterday morning,, and soon after added the hint. But the hint mainly confirmed what i already thought, and then proceeds to make me even more confused.

Hopefully we'll get another hint soon, as there are 4 days left, and not a single person has solved this yet, as no one has joined OP's hidden giveaways.

I usually hang around for these to end, in order to get the solution and get a better idea of how future puzzles may be twisted.

7 months ago

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Yo, this is my first time trying out one of these ciphers, i need a little bit of help in the sense of formatting (i guess)
So, what i mean is, i understand the puzzle, but am i looking for an entire link? Am i looking for a code? Because what i first thought is that i'd be looking for the letters part of a steamgifts link ( in this example, what i mean is the little code after giveaway and before) but if i have to take into account at least one character from each line and also keep in mind the numbers at the end of each line, then i'd have at the very least, 10 characters, which makes no sense since the giveaway links only have 5 characters, help!

7 months ago

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I think that only the ones inside the poem would make the link but the clue is too vague, even if you see the clue in which it has an overall theme you still need a part of the word from each sentence (one letter per phrase/sentence) so it means you need to bruteforce (IMO unless they give out another hint), you try almost every combination in the theme. You can also see a trolling "hint" inside their message.

7 months ago

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the number beside each line denotes the character that is to be taken from the answer for that line, counting from the first letter of the answer. aside from the second one which needs to be multiplied before you get the proper value.

the a, b, c, d, e is assigned to these characters since the characters aren't actually arranged yet.

the bceda is simply the proper arrangement of the five letters into the code of the first cart.

added another hint in the reserved post.

7 months ago*

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Bump for solved! :)

7 months ago

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7 months ago

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Bump for solved

7 months ago

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Solved bump

7 months ago

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self bump

7 months ago

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Seriously folks, TS threw the solution right in your face, all you have to do is join and win all of his awesome games!

7 months ago

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Bump for solved! Hint helps a lot!

7 months ago

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Bump for solved.
I kept coming back to this a couple of times per day for the past few days, and I pretty quickly hooked onto the "common theme" across all of the lines without actually knowing it to begin with, but gave up on that hook later as I thought it was just a coincidence. Today it all just clicked though.
Pretty good one.

7 months ago

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Finally solved it, but the second hint's "solve it from the other direction" totally threw me off course >.>;;
Thanks for this great train (well, there's only one that interest me but that's more than in most trains) and puzzle!

7 months ago

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yeah, i kinda unwittingly screwed up the english in some places in the hints, making it harder... need to correct it tomorrow.

7 months ago

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I haven't tried this in a while. All my attempts before ended in failure

7 months ago

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bump for less than 40 hrs left

no further clues, but i did correct some of the more egregious english used to hopefully make it more understandable.

like with my previous puzzle, i'll post the solution once it's over. check the reserved post for the solution once it's up.

7 months ago*

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Great puzzle! Thanks! I found both ways to arrive at the solution, but then was stumped by the "1*2" not realizing that it was multiplication (but you hinted it in another comment). :D

7 months ago

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Closed 7 months ago by Almostn33t.