Hello there SG community,

As some of you may have noticed this past month I have been rather quiet(well outside the past few days while I have been home), both on the GA creation and discussion front, some are aware of the reason why already(good old discord… it's on the phone!).

To oversimplify things… my Gallbladder committed seppuku without warning. The juicier details reserved for family and if I happen to mention them in a discord convo.

So that was a fun trip to the ER(RIP wallet… no insurance atm FTL)… and then an ambulance ride(another RIP wallet) to an actual hospital where the doctors were confused as all symptoms were pointing towards the gallbladder but they couldn’t see any sign of gallstones, only “sludge”… At least the laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallbladder was a success and they didn’t have to open me up extra which would have slowed recovery quite a bit.

It was also a painfully slow near a week at the hospital, a couple weeks or so at a family member's home for IV antibiotics/strength recovery because of the surgery… At least I was able to get mostly caught up on my seasonal anime.

I have been home a few days now, probably a good 80% recovered atm… just have to rebuild the stamina/energy pools back up(and fast... there is a festival I am going to in a few weeks!), have to think about food again as I can’t rely on factor75 subscription for foods low enough in fat for me right now(please butter… can I enjoy you again soon… I miss you already... and you to beef).

Fingers crossed on the hospital's financial aid, they are covering between 50-100% of my visit, tbd in the coming weeks.

big upside of this ordeal... I have learned(for now at least), only blood pressure is a concern(when you start checking those family history boxes on medical forms... you would understand how much of a relief that is for me... so many of those boxes get checked with yes the family has history of it >>)

Obligatory discussion thread tax - more coming... some day... Soon™ ... in a puzzle, public or group GA near you.

PS: If I feel grumpy to you… it's because I can’t enjoy many tasty things right now without being banished to the bathroom. A single slice of pizza is near maxing how much saturated fat my digestive system can handle right now in a single meal... and we all know one slice isn't enough... especially for us giants.... also I want a big fat juicy bacon cheeseburger right now so much it isn't funny.

2 months ago

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Why are potatoes so delicious

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Hey glad youre doing alright, even if the food restrictions do suck. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery and I also hope that one day you can enjoy that bacon cheeseburger you desire.

2 months ago

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Dang that sucks.

"At least I was able to get mostly caught up on my seasonal anime."

Any stand outs? (other than Sousou no Frieren)

2 months ago

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for the winter 2024 season.
there is really only 2 standouts...

A Sign of Affection(romance anime featuring cute deaf girl)
Solo Leveling(what is an anime season without the hyped up action show)

rest is just sequels or the standard isekai trash that I enjoy.

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2 months ago*

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or the standard isekai trash that I enjoy.

Didn't know you were a raccoon :3

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2 months ago

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Not watched a romance in quite a while, will give that a shot.

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2 months ago

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Welcome back! Hope the recovery goes well, that aid comes through and you can get to consume some juicy beef and butter soon. 🫂
I haven't watched any anime since Vinland Saga Season 2 but I'm not our tastes match up there anyway. 😅

2 months ago*

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Glad to see you back and that you are doing better! ^^

2 months ago

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Glad you're better now. Welcome back!
Being on a diet is not fun but it's not end of the world. You may explore new favourite foods for yourself hopefully.

doctors were confused as all symptoms were pointing towards the gallbladder but they couldn’t see any sign of gallstones

Similar thing happened with my appendix. Every symptoms were suggesting it yet doctors couldn't be sure, however they removed it anyway and I was fixed afterwards.

2 months ago

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Welcome back! glad you are doing better.

2 months ago

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Hope your recovery goes well and you can enjoy more of the goodies you love to eat. 🍕

2 months ago

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Wish you a good recovery and hope you are able to cope with the new lifestyle changes. Can be daunting, but keep that festival in mind. You can do it!

2 months ago

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Welcome back, Carenard!
Wishing you a speedy recovery so you can enjoy your festival as well as beef and butter ofc

2 months ago

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Damn, that sucks.
Hope you get well soon and can go to that festival!

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2 months ago

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Hi mate, firstly speedy recovery, sorry about that seppuku. I am also waiting for my inevitable turn due to stones preparing for kamikaze on the duct. So I heard good news always, once it is gone, all trash goes directly into poopy canal so nothing to be worried about until the rest of your life. but I also keep wondering, why we needed it in the end then?

2 months ago

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Good to hear you're getting better, wish you a fast full recovery

2 months ago

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That sucks, life can suck a lot but you seem to already know to counterbalance it with the good (i hope there were some good anime there). The whole cup half empty vs cup half full too, there were no stones and costs seem to be already half covered. In any case the worst is behind now, surgery done, its just this pain in the @%$ recovery now

From the surgery i had and the also terrible diet and recovery that followed - it gets better. Different scenario, mine also had a lot of pain for weeks even back at home, but very similar 'eat-bathroom' + for awhile i couldnt eat anything solid... i also had to make adjustments 'for life' tough in my case some 3-5 years after i can now eat normally everything again, turns out in my case my body adjusted better then most for some reason... in short my gut intestine had to be shortened, via a shortcut i think wich made some kinds of food and the whole cycle all wonky. Idk why i mostly dont feel the effects anymore, maybe extra fatty food makes me go to the bathroom more but so marginally different i dont notice (and in my case alcohol hits harder too, it gets to the blood quicker idk)

Anyway... it sucked hard. In my case i recall the pain+all limitations i had+diet were nighmareish but... it passed. As soon as i recovered the bad parts become memory.However bad it is keep in mind thats just for some time... and the diet thing and adjustments are only this hard at the start. we all adapt and things resume to normal. So whenever youre grumpy just take a deep breath and remenber it will improve.

Tip- dont keep thinking on what you cant right now. Thats the worse you can do. Imagine an ex-basketballer now paralitic spending their days besides an stadium looking at the basket what you think that would do to their psyche? Whenever you think of what you cant eat shrugg it off, thin of something else or replace it with anything tasty you can eat. In my case i couldnt deal with sugar too, neithre fatty nor sugar and nothing solid, so i stashed on some diet milkshakes and such and for awhile i drank chocolate milkshake daily. The whole recovery sucked but that part was nothing i could complaint...focus on the good things to put the grumpiness away!

Im sure you will get past this, i only wish you get better sooner. But sooner or not things will improve.
Thanks for the ga!

2 months ago

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Oh My.I wish you a speedy recovery.We take many things for granted...health especially.Once you're sick and cant eat tasty things,only then do you realise the importance of health.The phrase "banished to the bathroom" made me smile.You've got a good sense of humor mate.Again,Get 100% well soon.

2 months ago

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I'm glad you're back and I wish you a speedy recovery.

2 months ago

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I wish you a speedy, full recovery. It's nice to hear that the hospital covers at least part of the visit or maybe even fully.

2 months ago

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I was going to say "hope you get better soon", but I guess I will say "hope you can get a cheeseburger soon".


2 months ago

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You made it, that's important, and let's hope for that aid to be good. Virtual hug

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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Hope you're feeling better soon :)

2 months ago

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Hey Carenard, glad to have you back.

I know how you feel, as last year I had a small portion of my stomach removed.

It takes time to recover, and you need to eat 'not so tasty' meals for a while.

Take care, friend. It'll go better for sure!

2 months ago

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Good to have you back. Wishing you all the best. Get well soon!

2 months ago

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Hope you'll have a speedy recovery and be able to enjoy the yummy foods again.

2 months ago

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Welcome back! Wishing you a speedy and full recovery.

2 months ago

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Glad to hear you're doing alright. Now please join me in my daily breakfast of 1 cup of cooked oatmeal 😕

2 months ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Carenard.