
ThatDave's Giveaways - Generic Disclaimers

Problematic/"Shovelware" games:

Steam is full of many problematic games. They are often set to reduced or zero CR. I have no issue with this because I'm not giving away games to farm levels. My two purposes here are to give back to the community that has given me several free games or to dispose of keys I have no use for in a meaningful way.

If you have a problem with this or any game, I suggest you do the following:

  1. Leave negative reviews anywhere you can. You can start with Metacritic, as a good metacritic rating is used as a minimum requirement for keys in random bundles on greymarket key-stores. On most sites you need not own the game to leave reviews.
  2. Report the game on SG so it can be changed to zero CV by SG mods.
  3. Report the game on Steam.
  4. Tweet @Steam or @Steam_Support.
  5. Email Gabe Newell, at He, or an aid, actually reads his email. He even responds sometimes.
  6. Convince those in control of SG to block the game.

What doesn't help the situation is blacklisting people. Good chance they won't even notice.

By entering this giveaway you agree to do one of the following within 14 days of the key being sent.

  • Give express written permission to delete the giveaway.
  • Mark the key as recieved.

Updated 4/10/24 b

Joining! thanks :D

1 month ago

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Thank you! <3

1 month ago

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Thank you! <3

1 month ago

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GL for all!

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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