I haven't given that very much attention - because I thought maybe its was my computer / browser / internet / etc.
But I've checked the calls of the SGMT tool I'm running, which makes backend calls directly to SteamGifts - and the page fetching times there have increased dramatically.
Usually fetching of a single page in SteamGifts would take less than a second.
Now they take 2-3 seconds each.
While at some cases even more.

Here are specific examples for today:
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=1 - 14 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=2 - 26 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=3 - 17 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=4 - 10 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=5 - 10 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=6 - 10 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=7 - 10 seconds to fetch
https://www.steamgifts.com/group/MGNEs/welcometopandorakid/users/search?page=8 - 10 seconds to fetch

These are numbers X10 - X26 times larger than usual...

10 months ago

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Has anyone else experienced unusual slowness in SteamGifts in the last few days? (a week?)

View Results
Yes, it feels significantly slower
Yes, it feels slightly slower
No, feels the same
On the contrary - feels faster
Obligatory potato

Group's user pages and messages feel significant slower but for some time (months) already. I did not notice an additional increase more recently.

10 months ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

10 months ago

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The tool is for groups - so it only accesses group-related pages.
Makes sense.

It's possible the slowness is in some parts of the site, but not others...

10 months ago

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It's likely a steam api thing. Api costs have went up overall, so I wouldn't be surprised if steams have too, and they've done multiple things recently to mitigate costs, which likely results in slower response times. That, or with the new api changes, they're using a bad method to fetch stuff which is now slower.

10 months ago

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Looking at the pages from my example - I don't see any info they would fetch from Steam.
Debugging the flow, shows the page content takes 99% of the time.
So it's not the user icons, for example (and they are cached by the browser anyway).

And the content of the page, is the SteamGifts summary of users, and SteamGifts summary of each user's giveaways in that group.
All of this is data stored locally for SteamGifts (I presume), and not fetched from Steam.

My guess is something broke in the Database used by SteamGifts for storing user/group data...

10 months ago

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If it has to check if those people are still members, and if those pictures are accurate, idk. If it rarely updates, then it's an sg thing, if it has to check those when you open the link, it could be steam. But yes, its also likely that it could be sg as almost all data on that page is SG stored.

All I saw in the inspector was that in a 8 second load time there was a 6 second idle time, a .60ms parse html task which apparently took too long according to the inspector. The page only really started doing stuff at the 7.3 second mark. "Waiting for server response" took the longest out of all tasks at 6.91 s.

10 months ago

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It doesn't make sense to check (on Steam) these people are still members when we load the group info.
Moreover - It's a known issue that a person can remain a member of group on SG, even years after leaving the group in Steam.
As the sync of the user's data (games user owns, groups he's a member of, etc.) is done roughly once a week, when a SG member visits SG.

I do agree with what you saw.
SG is doing something in the backend that is taking a lot of time.
It's just a question of understand what exactly it does that is currently taking so long?
(and didn't used to)

10 months ago

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I noticed that the messages page loads considerably slower than usual, sometimes multiple seconds instead being sub-1s

10 months ago

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For me I noticed this page getting slower to load: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/entered

and only when not previously accessed shortly before, which suggests some caching of the result for a short period

also the ?page=2, 3, etc. of that load much faster

10 months ago

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10 months ago

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Just checked for myself - same experience

10 months ago

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For me, Chrome console and Network protocol says: Waiting for Server Response = 14.25 seconds. The actual downloading isn't slow, but the intial contact to the server takes way too long

10 months ago

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Yes the slowness is on the server side.

And just to be clear, when I mentioned "caching" I was not talking about browser caching, but caching of the intermediate results that happen on backend server-side (like caching expensive database queries), invisible to the user.

If you look at the page, you will see it is served with HTTP headers that explicitly instruct the browser NOT to cache it:

cache-control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate
expires: 1981-11-19
pragma: no-cache

which makes sense given the dynamic nature of the page (it needs to list giveaways entered by user sorted by end-date, along with current total entries to each GA).

This is definitely NOT a network related issue.

10 months ago*

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i think 've seen Chrome saying "waiting for cache..." (or similar)

forgive my deep ignorance (you really have to): is it a problem on AWS?

10 months ago

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This is only a guess but I suspect it is database related, i.e the part of the code on the backend that queries the database to get a paginated list of what giveaways a user has entered. How and where the application and DB are hosted is something only @cg would know.

10 months ago*

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read about AWS years ago... here

or is a completely different thing?

10 months ago

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that answers the "where" part, and it appears to be hosted on Amazon AWS cloud indeed :)

10 months ago

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Even loading this page, or comments in it (for the first time) now takes unbelievable amount of time.
Loading this thread - takes 15 seconds for the first time (300ms once it's cached).
Loading this comment: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/4hRtV/has-anyone-else-experienced-unusual-slowness-in-steamgifts-in-the-last-few-days-a-week#FWgpnsz
Takes 38 seconds for the first time (300ms once it's cached)/

10 months ago

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Whenever SG gets slow for me, it is the ESGST-extension making problems. Do you have that installed?

10 months ago

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And this is definitely not related to any Chrome extensions - As I mentioned it happens on backend services accessing SG as well.

10 months ago

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This link loads instant for me. Both in regular and private window. Signed in or not, it is the same. Both Firefox and Chrome.

10 months ago

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For the first time? Or after that?
As I mentioned:

300ms once it's cached

So once you've opened it for the first time, it's cached, so it doesn't really load fully.

10 months ago

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First time. Chrome I do not use, I have just opened it to test the loading time. And now I opened Edge, which I never use, also loaded that link instantly for the first time.

10 months ago

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Chrome, Firefox and Edge are all based on Chromium.

10 months ago

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I would be shocked if Mozilla has switched to Chromium for Firefox, but my Googling finger is broken, so I'll take you at your word. I don't really follow it.

However, if I had 1,000 browsers installed and they were all based on Chromium, they'd still be using 1,000 different caches.

10 months ago

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Extra info regarding browser cache: private window in same browser also opens new cache.

10 months ago

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no, Firefox isn't Chromium-based. Mozilla uses its own engines, Gecko/Quantum.

10 months ago

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Now also tried Opera GX and Brave browsers on Windows, and first time loading is fast (under 1 sec). All was without Steamgifts login, so anonymous.

10 months ago

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slow as hell but seems completely random to me. and only for a few secs, than it gets back to normal speed.

10 months ago

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happening ogain, here

edit: disabled all SG/Steam related extensions
edit 2: blazing fast again

9 months ago*

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I don't know if it's related to the community train ending, but hidden games, entered giveaways, messages all take 15++ seconds to load, in some cases even above 30 seconds

8 months ago

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+1 these are my thoughts as well

8 months ago

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Community Stats page takes ages. been like this for over a week

8 months ago

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