As usually looking for group of people enjoying playing their wins and games at all, who doesn't just leech at the sg bottom level 5+, 50% played =/= idled games+. What was last game you beaten or win you enjoyed or just terrible game you want us warn about? Someone playing MCOC? Trash luck these legend crystals so far.
I may do some giveaways in near time. Or maybe don't. Yeah, definitely don't, just ignore it as I ignore people spamming just "may I join".
Maybe I should just do giveaways for some group focused on playing games.

9 months ago

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Fastest potato wins

View Results
Potato remake
Potato 2
Potato IV
Potato 2077

"MCOC" I basically avoid android and IOS games. I know there may be very good ones out there, but I just prefer a bigger screen

9 months ago

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what is MCOC?

ill get to 50% of my wins played some day... 9 of 16 of my wins since I came back I have given a chance, a few were disappointments and dropped, 1 was as bad as expected(bad rats). Its the old wins from the old days of SG when everyone was just card farming that tarnish my play %'s greatly(down to roughly 25%-30%, oof). So I don't qualify! Just consider me in the future when the %'s are better :D

I just uh... need to stop getting distracted by holocure if I want to make progress in the backlog + wins. Will be tackling another old win later this month... in fact its next in the backlog tackle.

the disappointing wins I wish I avoided:
Paw Paw Paw: there are alot of problems with this, I wasn't greatness out of this, just a decent few hour game since people had positive reviews, its bad... possibly its enjoyable in multiplayer.
Soulblight: trust the reviews, the combat is not fun at all and is very unforgiving.
Eternal Edge also feels like its still in alpha, it has the foundation for a good game... it just needs more time in development.

the great
Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice: I was actually on the fence on whether I wanted this or not, but I won it, played it, loved it, going to replay it in the future... with a guide for the collectibles, hopefully play it in VR someday as my replay... also wishlisted the unreleased sequel and will prbly consider picking that up when it hits 30% off or so(very little is worth release day pricing... the backlog is to big!).

Minute of Islands - this is more story than game, but I enjoy good stories, especially when bundled with good audio and art! anyone looking at playing it and wanting to 100%, recommend having a guide before you leave any area to make sure you get all the collectibles.

9 months ago

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Marvel Contest of Champions

9 months ago

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Looking at games I finished in the last 2 months...

I recently played Forever Home -- quite an epic $1 RPG despite its RPGMaker graphics. Recommended, if you have 50h+ to spend.

Also Ghost 1.0 surprised me positively -- I will now keep an eye from the games from these devs, I liked their sense of humor.

On the flip side.... Yeah, Silent Hill: Homecoming was too buggy and a huge letdown for the series. :(

About the group -- if you do it, I would love to join (I have about 70% of my wins played and finished, nothing ever idled). But, yeah, it might be less work just to use the groups that focus on playing (Playing Matters and Playing Appreciated are the ones I know).


9 months ago*

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Your criteria kinda looks like Playing Matters'. Though being in one of those groups still doesn't mean they would enjoy their wins but at least they're liable to play them. I would say the enjoyment percentage is most likely higher than their normal wins because people who enter those groups' giveaways know well that they will play them, so probably they are careful about which one to enter. I guess it would be easier to do group giveaways since the member-base is already present, however if you enjoy curating your whitelist, why not? In that case you'll probably need the aid of some scripts.

As a Potato 2 fan, I noticed I like second games from a lot of series.

9 months ago

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I was a member of Playing Appreciated (or whatever it was called) aka had to play the win within a time span, which made me basically hardly join any of their giveaways since every time I was like 'am I sure I want/can play this giveaway now?' so the few I joined I finished, but it gave me a lot of stress since what if I disliked it? what if it wouldn't run well for me? what if....?

9 months ago

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As far as I know, Playing Appreciated doesn't expect you to finish the game. You just need to start playing it in a month and give it a shot. They have a "playing score" system so probably you need to play at least a couple of hours, that can be longer depending on the game. Playing Matters on the other hand, expects you to finish the game in 3 months. To be honest I get you, I had the same feeling several times and I didn't enter many giveaways especially when the win chance is high.

However, nowadays I barely see group giveaways because I marked a lot of games hidden.

9 months ago

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Yeah, I just felt a huge pressure on me which made me leave the group, Playing Matters is indeed even worse, but feeling forced to play a game makes me stressed so I just avoid that stuff now! I know it can help a lot of people with fighting their backlog or just joining stuff they will play fast, but it's not for me!
I am happy if I even see a giveaway with how many I ignored, but I have a backlog so it's okay ^^

9 months ago

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I think 3 months is fair since not all games are long but the pressure is there, so maybe should be careful about souls-like games. :P

I agree, fighting backlog is more important than getting new games. I feel like I can play with my library for 2 decades without adding a new game since I like replay-value games, especially thinking I still play 20 year old games. :)

9 months ago

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One good thing about a bad memory is that I can play a game, wait some months and then forgot about 70% or more from the game so technically I could play it again, but I think if I would Beat/Complete all my games I could easily fill a few years if I play daily so yeah if I get a chance for a new games I think I would really enjoy then yes I would want it, but if not, then also fine in a way that I am not done with my backlog yet! Am at about 46% with my Beat/Completed so a lot left :3

9 months ago

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Heh, I would definitely do that for some animes. :3

46% is pretty good, even better if you have some games to delete permanently. :P (I think I don't have any left in that regard)
I guess a huge backlog is not even necessary since I can imagine myself still playing Heroes III at my 50s. :)

9 months ago

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I indeed removed a lot of games that I wondered why I even had them or games that looked good on paper but ended up not that good so what is left is like 99% games I assume I will enjoy!
Just that even when I assume I will enjoy it, I still find it hard to start a new game but then when I get a new game, it's all shiny and what not and I tend to play those faster, though from what I understand a lot of people have that issue...

I did start some sort of New Year resolutions in 2022 to have at least 300 games in my library beat/complete and in 2023 I set it to 350 and am now at 343/350 so not doing bad I guess, just not sure if I want to do the same for next year...

9 months ago

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games that looked good on paper

I had a lot of them, that's the hardest part to delete games I guess. And you won't know until start playing.

Just that even when I assume I will enjoy it, I still find it hard to start a new game

That happens to me as well. When a game sits in a library for too long without getting played, you kinda start ignoring it unconsciously. However there is a fix for that. You need a kickstart. Watching a gameplay video might ignite that, or seeing a funny post about it. Almost anything works. BLAEO or PAGYWOSG events are also good for this. Important part is, you should play the game before the flame dies.

I didn't set myself a resolution because those usually have a backlash effect on me but I passed 50 for played (not all of them are beaten). Good enough I think. It seems our paces are kinda similar. :)

9 months ago

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For now I added some games I already started but never finished to a list and see if I can finish some, finished 1 today.
Besides that I play whatever I feel like but am hoping that list will at least motivate me a bit to finish stuff and when I have some more started games done I can check my games I have for some time but also never started, it's a step by step system that I hope will help :P

9 months ago

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Oh I'm sure it will motivate. Seeing that it shrinks day by day is really motivating. At least you need to buy less than you beat. :P

9 months ago

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Haha yes, well, so far I finished 1 game I started years ago and now I started another game that I played back in 2017 and never finished so it's a good start!

Playing more than buying isn't THAT hard for me since I don't buy games much, though sometimes you get some games gifted which could make you end up with more than you played, good thing I don't really play those long games of 100+ hours but most of my games are between 1h and 20h I think?

9 months ago

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You can use this to check HTLB times on your BLAEO list. It needs Tampermonkey as your browser addon.

I like long games but can't play them like I'm 20 anymore. :/
That means my library will carry me for years at least. :)

And yes, you don't have many long games, though someone is trolling HLTB with that Zombidle game I guess. o.0

9 months ago

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Oh that script looks interesting, for now I installed it and see if I find it useful in the long run or not, thanks!

With some games I find myself finishing way before others do and with other games I find myself taking way longer then others, it all depends on how you play, how fast you read, etc. so yeah, guess with that game on average I was a bit faster ^^

9 months ago

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Yeah it's pretty useful, no problem!

Haha, I didn't check your playtime. It seems that game kinda deserves that HLTB page. :D

Indeed some games live up to hype and actually easily played, some are not even though they look interesting. Happened to me with Nier Automata, it looks beautiful, fun to play but something is missing. 10 years ago I'd probably finish it in a week though. Have no problem with strategy games since I can play them whenever I want without any planning.

9 months ago

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I noticed with games with text, that even though I have issues with reading long texts I go through short ones fast, am usually way faster than the speed they show me so that saves a lot of time in the long run, though I read it fast, I also forget most stuff I red again but shht! So yeah, that was these games my time can be a bit faster than average, but also have many games where I am slower simply because I am not that good at gaming overall ^^ (that's why I avoid no death, hardcore mode and speedrun achievements)

There will always be games that look great on paper but just don't deliver, what I often do for games is read the negative reviews since these often tell you all the bad stuff and then I can decide for myself if I agree or if those points won't bother me, for example a point-and-click adventure game where you walk slower than a snail and have to backtrack a lot is not my cup of tea, I would get SO annoyed at that game so if I read that, I tend to avoid and move on, there are so many games now that you have the freedom to be very picky and well, sometimes you get a game and end up not happy well, hopefully you can still refund or at least didn't waste to much money!

9 months ago

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I wouldn't say being good at gaming all together because I believe it very much depends on the genre. For example, I really suck at bullet hells. I would love to play Touhou games since I like the characters, yet I couldn't even beat their demos. :D

I generally think similar about speedruns and hardcore modes but there are exceptions. I grinded for Torchlight II's hardcore elite achievement because I love the game, on the other hand I avoided Braid's speedrun achievement. I'm not an achievement hunter but sometimes I go for it.

I guess sometimes a game requires a right time to be played, though gotta admit this can take years for me so I usually miss the refund part. I'm kinda more careful about this lately however. I even refunded a game I got for -90% discount. There is also the thing that our tastes about games getting more mature as we age. That's a good thing because we don't force ourselves on games that have meh parts. To be honest, I wish I started doing that much younger. :3

9 months ago

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Oh funny, I started Torchlight 1 again the other day, wanted to play Torchlight 2 but this time with a good build but when I was looking for one, I got so overwhelmed that I gave up and went for 1.

Often when I buy games I don't play them within the 2 weeks either, sometimes I do but then I usually end up enjoying the game so refund isn't needed.

When I was younger I feel many games were much harder (looking at stuff like Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, etc.) then now, but still feel like now I find it harder to get through, maybe because back then you had 3 games so may as well enjoy the hell out of it and nowaday I give up faster? Who knows...

9 months ago

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If you compare these two, Torchlight I is harder than II. I tried hardcore mode a handful times and it's hard. Still can get one shot from Ordrak. Also, I played Torchlight II enough to recommend builds. There is even a safe build, kinda. :)
I wish there was co-op for the first game too.

Yeah, mine is pretty same since I mostly buy games at 75%> because I have enough backlog and usually don't play them in 14 days (Unless it's a game I hyped).

Well, young minds are more persistent and definitely agree that when you have only 3 games, you know their value. I guess we can say that those games were hard mostly because they lack quality of life improvements. They wouldn't be so hard if you could save at certain points, or once you die you die, or you have to memorize all the map of the continent... What make them good was, they were a relic from the future. Nowadays, even if people only play their free games they got from GOG, Epic or whatever, they would still have a backlog problem. So, today's kids won't know the same feelings.

9 months ago

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I'm trying to play more of my wins, I've been luckier than I ever expected to be here.
I'm not good with playing multiple games at the same time, and many require 100+ hrs I think I'm currently 150hrs into baldurs gate lol

that said gl with your decision but as above I think there are a couple groups that fit your need

spoiler Potato

9 months ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 months ago

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Another shout-out to Playing Matters. It's a great group for people who wanna play their wins and, as Mitsukuni pointed out, basically has the same requirement as what you censored there. All my winners from there have always been excited about the games. ^_^
(For the record, that's a different group from Playing Appreciated.)

Last game I beat was Toki Tori 2 (a whole week ago... yeah, sometimes I get these energy-dry periods where I can't start a new game for a while after finishing the last one <.< ). it's an ok puzzle game. Pretty much requires a guide to 100% though (aka, it's just like Toki Tori 1 and gets kinda bullshit >.< ).
Before that was Devil May Cry 5 and that game is friggin' awesome, as expected. :D
If you mean last beaten win, then that would be Edge Of Eternity- it's a really nice RPG. A bit rough around the edges here and there (devs are very ambitious) but has an interesting combat system, story and characters and stuff. (As you can tell I'm not the reviews kind of person...)

Anyhow, I know you don't like me, so, yeah, I just wanted to mention Playing Matters.

9 months ago

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I recently played Lord of the Click 2 -
It's as simple as it looks like, like those flash games we had exactly about this singular lane combat with no real depth.

It was a really decent little timewaster, took ~2 hours, each fight took 10-15 minutes. Nice game if you can get it at a deep sale. No regrets about entering and winning it :)

9 months ago

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I started playing my wins in a serious way some months ago, starting from the most recent, and I'm beating all the games one by one. I had a lot of fun with some of them (System Shock, The Inner World, Spiritfarer), while others I found them very below expectations (Builder Simulator, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War). I just need a precious resource called "time" to play them all :)
I also joined the Playing Appreciated group!

9 months ago

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One day I'll do a comprehensive review on my wins, but my thought about some recent ones I played:

TOHU is very inspired by Amanita Design's games, and looks charming! So far my only problem is with its size, 13 GBs. What they stuffed into it to be this big is anyone's guess.

Good ones:
Blade Assault has a lot of flaws: It's too linear for a Roguelike, there's no random room generation and the bad translation botched the story. But I did enjoy the gameplay! And the art was pretty.
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion was funny and sweet! It was just too easy, though I guess that makes it family-friendly :P

No bad games lately, have enough trauma with Still Life 2 and Saints Row 2's PC port x_x

9 months ago

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Is Still Life 2 as tricky to run properly as the first one? I'm asking because I recently played through the first Still Life and had to do some weird stuff just to fix a few very annoying graphics bugs, I actually downloaded SL2 and was planning to start with it this weekend. If that game's sheer style wasn't so nice I probably wouldn't have put up with its technical problems, it literally just doesn't run properly in some GPUs, the only reason why I have yet to try its prequel is because so many reviews say that running it is even more of a headache.

9 months ago

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Nah it ran properly for me, it's just not really as good as the first one. I'm struggling to finish it since I won it ^^"

9 months ago

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Oh, well my standards for point and click games are kinda low honestly, if it works properly and doesn't have too many BS puzzles I'll eventually finish it.
Thanks for the answer :)

9 months ago

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I finished: "Submerged: Hidden Depths" couple of hours ago. No idea if it's a warning, but this game is exactly what it is xD Using boat to travel between locations,solving simple puzzles, braindead parkour, lots of collectibles. No risk of dead, no action.

A little bit better than watching paint dry. Still enjoyable.

9 months ago

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I have dropped a bit behind with my wins as I have been focusing on only a few games in the past couple of months (Stardew Valley is like a blackhole of playtime!) so I won't qualify, don't even bother but I wanted to mention Arcade Paradise as I had a lot of fun playing it. I won it with PA and I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it but I loved it and I will no doubt play it for a while just for the arcade now that I finished the story.

Game I'd warn people about? I can't think of a game I'd really warn people to stay away from that I played in recent months except for Tails Noir.
It's not that the game is bad. It's quite enjoyable for 80% of the game until it becomes obvious they ran out of money and just throw the game under the bus to be able to sell it as a complete game instead of finishing it. It's shameful, really because the game has potential and they blew the money they got from crowdfunding.

Next wins on my playlist:
Yakuza 4 Remastered
Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch

9 months ago

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I've always liked the idea of groups that have requirements for playing wins. I don't have anything against the +1 folks but sometime you simply want someone to experience the game you're giving. With that said, I've never joined any of those so I couldn't tell ya how it all works lol. I'm also not the shining example of getting around to my wins in a timely manner. :P

So far I've got around to playing two wins this month and a lot of time in "non-wins" as well. My backlog is still pretty atrocious but I'm fairly sick and have nothing but time and misery right now. As for the gibs I won, Strange Brigade and Royal Heroes were both decent. Strange Brigade was more fun than I thought it'd be, I even acquired two more copies for some friends so we could play co-op. It does have the downside of DLC being a big advantage to gameplay though. Royal Heroes on the other hand is more simple in nature but requires a fairly monstrous grind to progress and I hit grind fatigue just shy of 30 hours in. Never thought I'd enjoy mobile games on PC but hey, there's something about Auto Battlers.

9 months ago

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I've at least started three of my six wins. I played Maid of Sker pretty much as soon as I was able to after I won it, and I enjoyed it a lot. I really like first person survival horror where you have no, or severely limited, options for fighting back, like that one, Amnesia, Visage, etc. Recommended to anyone who likes the same. Currently playing through Empress of the Deep, and enjoying it more than the Steam reviews made me think I would. Already grabbed the other two in the series on the MS store for when I finish it. And I started, but haven't finished, GreedFall because I had an unexpected influx of house/pet-sitting jobs in the last several months just after I started it. I've spent more time in the last five months away from home with just my eight year old, slowly-giving-up-on-life laptop than at home with my moderately good desktop. Thanks to that, I've been on pretty a big Doom WAD/mod kick lately, and it's always so hard to break myself out of that. However, I was really having a good time in GreedFall once I got the hang of the combat, so I plan to either continue that game or give Two Worlds II a try in the next couple of months, when I have a long stretch at home.

The other two games on my win list will likely be played eventually, but they weren't high up on my must-play list when I entered their giveaways. Both of them (Orwell: Ignorance is Strength and Spirit Hunter: Death Mark) do look pretty interesting though, so I really doubt I'll just ignore them.

9 months ago*

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On the whole I've been enjoying all the games I've played this year.
I think the game I hated the most was Monster Camp. It's so grindy trying to get the achievements and stuff, it becomes painful.

9 months ago

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I love the game Monster Prom itself and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to say the same about Monster Camp once I start playing it, but as someone who also cares about achievements, I agree that it's soooo grindy to get em all.

9 months ago

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Same, I don't like the game at all, this is coming from someone who has a Monster Prom. And I'm not even a completionist, but taking a look at the achievement page I can totally see why people can have a bad taste at the game.

9 months ago

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Last game I played was She Sees Red - Interactive Movie. Its an interactive story where you can make choices and get a different ending. Some scenes are interesting because it does not end the way you expect it to.

A relatively short game (2.5 to 3 hours) and can get 100% by referencing a guide.

9 months ago

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I just completed one of my wins called No Time to Explain Remastered. I also finished some other wins (The Creepy Syndrome, Evan's Remains, and Umfend).

I'm currently working on Caveblazers and fault - milestone one. I enjoyed No Time to Explain Remastered the most, but Evan's Remains was nice too. Caveblazers is gonna be a long one to 100%, and fault - milestone one is very good so far.

A good month of playing my wins, I'd say! I haven't outright hated any of the games I've played this month :)

9 months ago*

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Not applying since I hover around 30% played wins. I'm a little weird though because I tend to give away the games I buy even if I want them then try to win them instead. I just like winning and giving away games I guess. Also I feel like if I win a game, I am much more likely to play it than if I just buy it and stick it in my backlog. Gives me a direction so I'm not constantly waffling around trying to decide what to play next.
Just wanted to say, I think this is a good way to build a whitelist - my whitelist is mostly filled with people who play their wins. So I will probably be cherry-picking a few names off this thread - so thanks for that :)

Just finished Behind the Frame - nice relaxing game for late night.
Tales Noir - not really. Started out fine then fell apart. Was hoping that I would like it more than I did but ended up falling asleep a lot.
The Last Door - don't know why I keep trying with point and click adventures. I just don't like them. In fairness to me, I won that one some time ago - I've learned my lesson since.
Last 2 installments of Teltale's Walking Dead - don't know what took me so long to get to these. Excellent with one minor caveat that I won't spoil.
Plantera - the one and only clicker game I have ever played. Won't be returning to that one. Don't see the point of falling down that rabbit hole.
Linelight - terrific puzzle game. Lovely and very chill for late night playing. Not quite finished yet - didn't enjoy the mechanics of the last bit.
Time to invest some time into one of my bigger wins. I have a few very nice ones.

9 months ago

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Whatever you want buddy, you've always been cool in my book. Lately I've really enjoyed Stranger's Wrath and Psychonauts 2, along with a couple other video game projects or wins not for SGifts (like Final Fantasy V Four Job Fiesta, a little bit of Gravity Circuit I splurged my pennies on to support the dev). Steamgifts-wise I'm still trying to get AMID EVIL and Disco Elysium since I've heard so, so much about them. My backlog is shameful but I've been doing much better at it recently thanks to groups, next month I think I'll do Grim Fandango Remastered or something to start to get into the Halloween mood. I wish I could give some back but I'll just have to settle for paying it forward more if my financial stuff ever gets stable (like I did the Christmas before! That was fun).

9 months ago

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I like the idea of finishing games. At one point that was the main thing in my mind, wich meant a huge frustration because i rarely managed to do so.
But things changed as i matured and understood myself better.
I like the idea of it, but i dont see it as relevant or validating anymore.

It may be relevant to mention that im WEIRD. Adhd is a part of it but im certain not the whole of it- it may explain my lack of focus and ever shifting moods (and with that what genres or experiences i want in a given day), and certainly some major role in what i see as a novelty addiction; But that wouldnt explain my crippling avoidance of ending things...

Its weird- sure like many here mentioned lot of times its just a case 'not liking'; In others its when even a good game just start having padding and grind overstaying its welcome or bizarre difficulty spikes...
...but the weirdest thing with me is I HAVE A HARDER TIME FINISHING THE ONES I LOVE.

Its not just games, it happens to me with books, tv series... its like i dont want to see then go. I know i will put then away and probably not come back in a long time(if ever). When i really really dig something finishing is like ticking it off. finishing is like consuming the last beat of novelty from it- sure i can rewatch or replay, but rewatching i will never have the surprise of an episodes twist or meeting a new enemy/level...
Idk what really goes on, this was the closest to a explanation i could find
Anyway, the more i like something and the further in im in i start rationing it more and more- like some excelent dessert or snack that quickly is cut in half then one hold thenselves from it too quickly you know?

...but then it frequently happens that i put a game in a hiatus, for just awhile(so i think), then when i come back i feel more like restarting it. Heck theres a bunch of games i stopped just before the last level or boss. Theres some i replayed from start like 5 times, each time going further

All that long particular exposition aside...
That said one thing i changed my perception i feel like it applies to everyone.
Whats the main point of games anyway? their main role, what actually matters?
End of the day challenge, getting gud, finishing for finishing sake nothing of that matter- its about having a good time and taking the most of ones time with it. Life only gets harder, time shorter, more stress etc.

As long as someone is enjoying something and not having some toxic relationship(like addiction) its all fine. For some that necessaraly mean a really great challenge to overcome/beat, for others not. It may be all about the story for some (therefore finishing mattering too) or not... There is only 1 right way of gaming- your way. For each one it can differ.

I used to grow anxious over my backlog. I kinda still do but just as a realization that theres more in life i will ever get to experience fully then the time i have in this world (of everything not just games). Now i see my library as a ever increasing menu of tastes at my fingertips.

That harry potter magic beans/candy thing comes to mind, where each bean was a flavour. I dig that a lot. Playing a game for a few days or a long time feels like single flavour beans. Took me awhile to realize how much i prefer swaping between flavours or even picking by surprise (nowdays i use Playnite, and i use the random function quite a bit too)

9 months ago

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Came here to mention some already mentioned groups (Playing Matters/Playing Appreciated) they are probably your best option for your requirements.

As for games i won here and played:
Won Street Fighter 6 just yesterday which was an instant install. 😁
The game is pretty good just the World Tour mode (the single player campaign) needs a supercomputer to run (which i dont have) so here's your warning, all other aspects of the game seem great, havent tried online yet though. Oh, Denuvo is also there unfortunately.

Near Death was a great survival/puzzle game, loved the experience!


DRAGON BALL FighterZ i played for a while but since it is focused to online play, which i generally avoid, i gave up on it.

I've also just started playing Still There yesterday, i like it so far both mechanics-wise and aesthetics-wise.

Would love to reach 50% played at some point but there is literally no time 😩

9 months ago*

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My last game beaten is actually a win. Sable. I really enjoyed it, to the point where I exceeded the average HLTB time by several hours because I would randomly climb things that looked interesting to climb for no reason other than seeing if I could. The art style is among the best I've ever seen, and the world-building is captivating. I felt transported.

I probably don't meet the requirement of 50% beaten (I'm a bit slow, and I've been way too lucky lately), just wanted to share.

9 months ago

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Witcher Thronebreaker has a cool interesting story, but too many pointless and time consuming puzzles for thorough players. They can be skipped though.
Ring of Pain had one super easy ending and another almost impossible I just gave up because of too much rng. The game is straightforward from the beginning about dark and light so I hope I'm not spoiling too much.
Struggling was overall pretty hard with mouse and keyboard. Impossible for me after half of it.
Robot Heroes was just a troll game I got when I wasnt picky about entering giveaways. I played the least I could, but have regretted winning the game.

9 months ago

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I have a huge backlog of games that I am going to play through eventually. I focus on beating and trying to get 100% achievements on one game at a time.

  • Last game I beat with 100% achievements was Resident Evil Village, finished it last week and although I really liked the game, I don't think it was as good as Resident Evil 7.
  • Descenders was the game I won here and beat, missing 3 achievements that I dont think I will get but really liked this game a lot, it's been bundled a lot so if anyone has it in their backlog of games I highly suggest playing it!
  • Batman Arkham Asylum which I also won here was the last game before that that I beat and also got 100% achievements, basically a masterpiece and imo the best game in the Batman Arkham series, which are all very good.

I'm now looking for a new game to play through, been playing Sega Bass Fishing for nostalgia but I'm going to give a new game I won here a try this weekend. I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a game that's a MUST play :)

9 months ago

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Cheers! you snob ; p
I tend to play too much steamgifts to get to my games most of the times.. fortunately I was selfaware enough not trying to join any of the afore mentioned groups. So I mostly concentrate on one title exclusively, right now that´s F1 Manager 23. tho I didn´t win it here, prob wouldn´t recommend it either - rather buggy release for the price tag
Maybe a little smtg. to relax in between, Hot Wheels Unleashed atM.. yep that was a win and also it´s much more FUN than I expected! or this one. Found it by accident, started for the stats because why not I mean look at them there abysmal actually enjoyed it quite alot : )

On a sidenote, I dread the day I reach 500 games in my lib - wish I could delete a couple of my wins here (especially some early ones).. but them´s the rules & we always have a chance to learn & grow, right!?
Nevermind a 💙 btw - I just felt the urge to leave my 2cents, also have a little # 🧀
to go with al those 🥔🥔🥔🥔

9 months ago

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Closed 9 months ago by xxxka.