Just took a look at some of the people doing GAs, and almost all had as many wins as they did GAs in number or value or both. My ratio is about much different than that, so it made me wonder what I am doing differently? I won't change my GA 'pace,' but it is fun to win something sometimes. :P

2 months ago

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Most likely those people are in a lot of groups. I have a few buddies on here that seem to win a game nearly every day, or at least nearly every other day.

A great way to win, but it can eat up a lot of time and attention, which is why I don't bother. After a month or two without a win though, groups can become very tempting. :)

2 months ago

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Well, the answer seems to be very simple. Comparing to me (and probably in a lesser degree to most of active long term users), you simply don't enter GAs. In 5 years (out of which for 1.5-2 years I've been inactive) I've entered 48k GAs, winning 514 of them. On the other hand in 6 years you have entered just 5k of them, winning 37. So even though I do have a bit better ratio of wins to entered GAs, which probably is caused by group memberships, the biggest difference obviously comes from the number of GAs in which we take stakes. Cheers :)

2 months ago

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You seem to be a paragon of an SG member. During your stay here you entered only a bit over 5k giveaways so it's a surprise you won as much as you did. Those buddies winning a game every other day are either member of every giveaway group they can lay a hand on or use more devious methods to win.
I took the liberty to glance over your giveaway history and am sure most groups would accept you in a heartbeat. So if you want to win more go for it. On the other hand with over 7k games on Steam do you really need more games?

Personally I'm only in one group and love to win as much as the next one although I feel a little guilty if I win too many games. I'm trying to prioritize the joy of giving for me personally.

2 months ago

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One simple reason is that you are likely doing what I do and only entering what you actually want. A lot of people will enter anything and take any win even if they don't even play the game.

Also like stated above some people enter a lot of groups/whitelists to have more odds at winning. I personally don't like having to have certain rules of what I'm supposed to do or beg for getting on whitelists, So I just take it however it comes. At least when I win, I know it's something I'll want to play and I like to comment back to the person that gave the game what I thought about it :)

2 months ago

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Reiterating what the above commenter mentioned.
The users who constantly keep winning are most likely entering to win anything and everything.

Add the exclusivity of group and private GAs, you get a lot of wins. If I personally did that, my own wins would easily stand at at least 200 wins. But I don't see the point of winning games I won't ever touch nor the point of card farming.

As for increasing your own wins. Try participating in SG events such as PAGYWOSG and other discussion posts which may have hidden private GAs in them.

2 months ago*

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Impossible to win, that site is a scam! :)

2 months ago

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sad for you, as you have made preety good gifts.

2 months ago

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I completely agree with you. I made lots of giveaways and NEVER GOT A WIN! I heard it all goes to CG.

2 months ago

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I may not be a good example but i feel that i don't enter that many gas, because i really want to play what i win (and i still did not for some of them)

I saw many times people saying, if you want to win, you need to enter a lot of gas.

That makes sense, but i feel it defeats the purpose.

I'm very happy when i win something, because most of the time, i enter things i really want to play.

So, sure, it would be good to win more, but there is one thing i love more : gifting someone for the 1st time. This is something VERY gratifying for me. And the U7 group allows me to just do that (a big thank you to every member) , so that fuels my resolve :)

2 months ago

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chances of winning a game is around 1-3 games per 1000 GAs entries. You can increase chances by getting into the groups or someone's whitelists.

2 months ago

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You're not doing Groups. That's the big difference :)
If you're into playing your wins, and unbundled gifts, you should check that: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/ynDw6/akatsuki-group-for-unbundled-games-no-ratio-systemplay-your-won-gamesopen

2 months ago

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Won't work. They seem to be making heavily region restricted GAs, so most groups won't really allow that. Though there are exceptions to that.

2 months ago

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He is making the region restricted to the USA/Canada. Most USA game keys are actually region-free.
He is probably just "making sure".

2 months ago

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Huh. Did not know that. That would definitely make it easier though.

2 months ago

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yep - correct. not always NA only but mostly for the just making sure reason you mentioned.

2 months ago

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Fyi, the bundle threads in the forum will always tell you which games are region locked. For example: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/7rOPC/

2 months ago

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Same here but be patient. I started winning games suddenly after 8 years. I got no idea what i did differently.

2 months ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

2 months ago

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Added you to my whitelist so maybe you can win something from me one day ^^
I will do some for the next weekend again i think so good luck if you will enter! :)

2 months ago

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Awesome - thank you :)

2 months ago

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Anyone who has more than 10 wins is a bot for me.

2 months ago

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