@Faloperito made a super mega --> Google Spreadsheet <---
I'm really greatfull for his help and ideia. you can check the original --> comment here <--
Use the file tocheck what words have been used and what games were given away. (Still in Beta :), let us know if you find any bug)

I had nothing to so I had the idea to start a community game. I don't know if will make an impact, or if its gonna be funny! Worst case scenario, the community gets 3 giveaways from me :)

The idea of the community game is to make a game of words, similar to the Rate The Person Above You: Steam Profile Edition, but with giveaways.
I'll start the game with 4 comments, someone take it from there.


  • Take the word from the previous comment.
  • Create an invite only(lvl 1-3) (ending in 6 or 7 days from the creation date.) giveaway that has something to do with the word mencioned in the last comment.
  • You can obfuscate your link with somekind of bot protection if you want. Since the 1000 bot accounts that exist will probably just start entering all the giveaways in this thread in 2/3 days... We can't do nothing to prevent that.
  • Try to use a word you know has some options. For example, use the word "Magic" instead of "Harry Potter" :)
  • You can explain why you are giving away, the game, or why you associated your giveaway with the previous word. You can go ahead and write whatever you want in your comment, as long as you enunciate what is the next word on the board and create the giveaway :)
  • Try not to comment if you are not participating, so we can have a organized flow of comments links and new words. Unless you want to help the game and give a BUMP, in that case just comment "BUMP" so the person scrolling trought the comments knows its just a bump and not a "participation"
  • You can go ahead and create various giveaways per comment, but try to keep it inside the "word". Of course, do whatever you want, we are not a dictactorship :) if you feel like it, post whatever you want, as long as you are trying to participate in the community
    * I will close the thread when the last giveaway ended and no new giveaway is posted in the 7 days after that
  • Try to come up with a fun word or a hard word, whatever you think will be the most fun to create a giveaway with :)

Other "Rules"

  • Go ahead and comment with 2 or 3 words if you want to give options to the next person.
  • Cmon! don't use "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or use it, but give other word option too.
  • You commented at the same time of other person? No problem! :) the next person will have more word options for their giveaway. Don't Sweat it
  • Please dont spam the thread with replies to the "participating comments" asking "why im on your blacklist?", "Please, explain what you said on the other thread", "Epic/steam/ubisoft/EA is Evil", "the devs of this giveaway game are Evil people and deserve to burn"! Lets try to keep the participations flowing, there are other threads you can use to have intense discussions/vents.
  • Go ahead and give me your rule ideas when participating.
  • Last word was hard? tell us how you connected it to your giveaway! we want to know :)

Hope we manage to organize this :)

I'm not english native, so my english is probably bad, I did my best to explain the concept. hope you all understand the game :) have fun SG community

If this type of game was ever done on SG, give me a heads up, so i can link the original idea here.

1 year ago*

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In spirit of the north ,one chapter occurs during winter, and you'll experience snow drops, and ice falls

https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/JNdSt/spirit-of-the-north Level 3, first letter in lowercase.

Next word: Dinner

1 week ago

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1 week ago

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1 week ago

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https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/EqkWU/maneater (Lv3)
As the main objective of this game is eating "dinner", I found this one to be quite fitting :)

Next word: Insane

1 week ago

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nice one :)

1 week ago

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6 days ago

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In winter, you go to ski resorts. Or, if there are none around, build yours.
(Quick dirty fix!)
It's insane how expensive is to build a ski resort!
Level 3, runs until June 4th.

? = number of octopii pets I have in my room. Hint: I have no aquarium. Plush toys don't count.

Next word: octopus (cephalopods, include squids and nautilus if you want)

4 days ago*

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You might have missed the last two GAs and words. ^^

4 days ago

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Yes indeed. Well, I'm leaving it there. The next contributor can choose my word or Heisenbear's one.
It's my fault because I bookmark the permalink of the last contributor. If that's the last comment on the page, I don't even notice there are more comments...

4 days ago

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It happens. Thanks for the giveaway anyways, JMM! :)

4 days ago

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